50 Best Grooming Products?

While checking out the Edwin Jagger site I noticed that they are mentioned as part of the 50 Best Grooming Products from The Independent. I know this is hardly a scientific article but thought I'd post it here thinking it may provoke some chat:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/features/the-50-best-mens-grooming-gear-1519903.html?action=Popup&ino=1">http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style ... opup&ino=1</a><!-- m -->

Unfortunately the format is cack - it takes a while to look through each of them. Anyway, I would suggest that this is a list populated mainly of bottles that would look good in a bachelor pad's bathroom. I'm sure it's all good stuff (especially the T&F!) but I bet that you could buy equivalent-quality items for at least half the price. Where's the Palmolive for example?? This isn't just me being tight as I truly believe in false economy, but I am not convinced that this list represents the 50 best grooming products. :hungrig
My old man will be pleased to see Eau Sauvage at number 26 - he's been wearing it for decades, not so sure the metrosexuals will have the same pleasure :lol:

I'm sure these lists are actually compiled by which companies give the biggest pile of freebies/advertising revenue to the paper - it's the only explanation for the Car of the Year ever being given to Fiat (I know this isn't Car of the Year, but it's the same kind of faux list)
:lol: My brother makes films about artists for the Tate and was even described as a metrosexual in his best man's speech. I think this list would certainly appeal to him!
Shiseido Men Deep Wrinkle Corrector

The skin around the eyes is the most fragile and the first area of facial skin to show the signs of ageing. If you think your laughter lines are rapidly increasing then this deep wrinkle corrector from Shiseido Men should be applied daily.
How much: £38 (30ml)

Applied daily!! lol of course we would recommend you apply this 10 times daily so you use that measly 30ml up in a week and then shell out another £40 for more.Who buys this shit? I don't mind spending on a bit of luxury,a nice after shave or A/S balm if it lasts and does what it should without breaking me out but 'Men deep Wrinkle corrector'?? :lol: come on.
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