Acquisitions 1 August - 31 August

This is in transit. It will hold 18 razors.
Fantastic,well done.
Nice little box from our freinds at Shaving Station turned up at work this morning containing 50ml of Xpec ASB, 50ml Tabula Rasa Cool and Blue AS Gel, Muhle R41 Open Comb head, Muhle R89 Closed Comb Head (with blade guard), Saponificio Varesino Alder Bowl, tucks of Ladas, Big Ben and Treet Durasharp blades.
Love Shaving Station... great product line up and service.
As much as I really enjoy your posts, particularly those on understanding scents - I'm glad we're not on the same continent! I'd be battling with you over vintage soaps and blades something chronic.

It might not be a long battle, now that I have pretty much everything I'll ever need in this lifetime. Of course I just may have said that before....
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