Acquisitions 1 May - 31 May 2016

Vintage Lentheric shaving soap. I hope its lathering qualities compensate for the lack of fragrance

I found a NOS soap in the wild maybe 5 years ago but in a little different art deco case than yours. Man that stuff was excellent! No scent to speak of but jeeez it worked well and was crazy easy to lather. Heh, I have a sliver size piece left in a bowl and can't bring myself to finally use it all up.

I will bet you'll find that amusing if it's a similar batch.
So much for my self imposed moratorium. Imperial Leather was a constant presence at home when I was a kid, I remember my late father using the shave soap, bath soap and more probably, so this one couldn't be passed by

Does it smell like imperial Leather? Mine came today I think but it I got left the dreaded red card