Advice required

Hi everyone
At the moment I'm struggling to get a smooth shave between my jaw line and neck

I'm finding 3 passes still isn't getting it smooth and I find myself tidying it with a Harry's 5 blade

What am I doing wrong
Presently using a pearl blaze with euromax blades
I find they cut well everywhere else

Any recommendations
I also use Dorco which I like but found green Astra as good as using a sharpened spoon
In that area you really need to know which direction the beard grows, you need to map your face. Stretch the skin and rub your fingers slowly over the stubble, get a feel for which way it grows. You can use a cotton wool ball and rub it over the area, the stubble will snag it when it goes over the stubble and you'll get a visual of how it grows. Once you know you can attack it against the grain, don't forget to use plenty of soap to avoid nicks and soreness. Stretching the skin to raise the growth will help to get the smooth finish you are looking for.
Thanks Wayne that's helpful I use a pre shave on the first pass then reduced lather should I use more pre shave on further passes

My face is a bit stingy tonight
Thanks Wayne that's helpful I use a pre shave on the first pass then reduced lather should I use more pre shave on further passes

My face is a bit stingy tonight
No mate, you do not need pre shave, you just need a good lather from any good soap, for me pre shave is just a waste of time and effort. Get a quality soap, lather it well and you'll be fine. Never go over an area without lather on it.
Some great advice here. One prep that works well for me is, when I wash my face prior to lathering, I take plenty of time (about 5-6 minutes) to massage my face to make sure my beard gets plenty of moisture. I use Aleppo soap or maybe a glycerine or tea tree based soap, but you can use whatever works for you. Good luck!
I tend to shave after a bath or shower and that's better than any preshave products I've tried. Any soap to wash off grease and dirt from your face and then let the water soak in. That's as good a way as any to soften the hairs and prepare the face. If I'm not bathing or showering first then I use a hot towel and a glycerine soap. Keep my face wet while preparing the brush/soap, then face lather.

What Wayne said.

If you haven't already, I recommend you watch some of Mantic59's shaving tutorial videos on YouTube.
He covers 'beard mapping' quite extensively in a few of his videos.