Artisan Shaving Soap (Mark 2) Testing...

Many Many thanks to the ten chaps who bravely volunteered to test out my original offering!

Sorry it fizzed, but no animals were harmed in the process, so no harm done I suppose.

Mark 2 shaving soap testers are now ready for take off :shave

  • Oils: palm, coconut, castor[/list:u]
    • Alkali: sodium hydroxide solution[/list:u]
      • Additive: kaolin clay[/list:u]

        Unscented again for the same reasons

        I propose to send an initial 10 samples to the original brave souls who tried the fizzy soap. This is so they can compare the two, and as an apology

        IF the feedback is more positive, I may send out a second squadron of samples to any brave souls not put off by the original testers :?

        Could the original 10 please just confirm that they are happy with that? If you can please let me know on this thread by Friday, I'll be able to post them then.

        1 moodymick
        2 Lipsy
        3 Jeltz
        4 Dipesh
        5 Simmo3801
        6 Pigcat
        7 Sunburyboy93
        8 quatrojames
        9 Alton_Bee
        10 KRF1963

        Again, all I ask for in return is honest feedback

If this recipe does make it to a round two, I'd be interested in giving it a go! I am a complete novice however and have ordered my first straight edge today. I've been using King of shaves oil + mac 3 since I started shaving about 4 years ago, so my frame of reference is pretty narrow to say the least. However there is the added bonus of me not having settled on a preferred product so you might just garner yourself a customer for life... :shave

Anyway let me know if it makes a round two!
The 7 original testers who opted in to this one will have their soap soon. :shave

I'll be posting them this morning, as I got all carried away making balms yesterday and didn't get to the post office - sorry

Thanks to all those volunteering for the second wave of testers. IF the feedback on the mark2 soap is positive, I'll definitely do a second lot!

Thanks for the offer Vic - I do appreciate it

Those I already posted should be arriving any day now, and I should soon have a good idea if the Mark 2 is any improvement on the original. If it is, you would be most welcome to be one of the second squadron of testers

I also REALLY don't want to go out in the cold to the post office today. I spent yesterday sat outside at a Farmers' market selling soap and am only just feeling properly defrosted! :shock:

Thanks again for the gracious offer though, I really do appreciate it.
