Artisan Shaving Soap - Testing...

Thanks Artisan, I received your soap today, and a nice generous bar it is too. I didn't manage to shave this morning so have just had one using the soap. The soap lathered quickly with my Semogue 1305 and I was all ready to slap on a load of lather when I realised it was starting to disintegrate on the brush. Unfortunately my feelings were confirmed as the lather quickly disappeared from my face with a fizzy kind of noise. I've used other soaps that did not lather well but still had slickness, but sadly this wasn't like that. I did one pass then decided to stop after that. Perhaps it was just a bad day so I'll try again to check. If I get improved results I'll let you know.
I'm always wary of posting first, in case I'm doing something wrong/missing the point…

Anyhoo, PC got in there first.

Received my very generously proportioned bar this morning as well – so thanks for that!

However, I'll be shaving this evening, but I couldn't resist a wee lather.

It did indeed lather ferociously – easily outperforming anything that I have tried before. However, I got what I would describe as a foam and that "fizzing" that PC described. I tried combinations of adding more soap/water and I could only make varying degrees of foaminess. I then slapped some on my face to see if I could lather it on, but I was met with much the same as PC – I couldn't get it to "bind" to my face, and I got that fizzing.

What I will say is that after washing it off it left my skin feeling really good... And I tried to lather up with a few other bars of ordinary soap as a direct comparison; none left my face feeling that clean and smooth... I also appreciated the delicate fragrance.

Will give it another go tonight, but my first test gave me the feeling that it's not quite there.

Darn it, even being off today I'm still behind on the curve

Right then, I too received my generous lump today and after assigning it a GU pot took it for a spin not half an hour ago.

It seems to be the world first carbonated soap :shock:

My experience was the same as Lipsy & PC, I loaded the brush like mad several times but could not generate a stable lather that did not start going translucent on application. Dipping the brush in the bowl caused a definite fizz- I will let those who know better explain this one.

I hope this is not going to deter you in the slightest and the fact you have been brave enough to even try tells me you will hopefully succeed.

Remember, no shaving soap probably worked first time - well, apart from Tabac of course.
I made fizzy soap and didn't realise until now. :shock: Must be a market for it...

Thank you all for your feedback - it is very much appreciated. Honest! :lol:

My usual testers aren't into using brushes, so I hadn't heared this one before.

The cogs are whirring a bit and I think I need to up the palm a bit to stabilise the lather. Can you tell me how it lathered up prior to the fizz please Chaps, that will give me clues in how to proceed.

Thanks again,

It lathered up really well. Seemed a little aerated, which made me think that I was doing something wrong. This is why I tried to wrestle with it with varying amounts of extra soap and water…

What I would say is that it definitely lathered up much better than a standard bar of soap (I tested a couple so I could make direct comparisons).

The actual lather was, as I said, more like a foam and reacted to water when I cleaned the bowl up with another fizz (much like Mama Bear's soap does, tbh).

Seriously though, if you can keep the "latherability" and the feel of the soap on the skin after you've used it and get it to stabilise, I reckon you'd be onto a winner.

Assuming that this is a no-go for shaving, I think that I might pass this on to the lady of the house – I reckon it'd be an amazing luxury soap for the ladies.

My generously sized bar arrived too today thank you. I'm planning to go back to the straight tonight for a couple of days while I'm off work so might sit this one out for a bit, as I'll need all the cushioning lather I can get! I'll try it later in the week and report back though for sure.