Badger Hair

Fife, Scotland
I have been looking around at badger hair brushes with a view to buying one. However, the thought occurred to me........ if badger hair retains water, what evolutionary advantage is this to the badger????

I would have thought that shedding water quickly would benefit the animal.

Any thoughts?
Seriously though it would be interesting to know the answer to Parwin's question. My first thought is that the hair is coated in something oily and waterproof, a bit like ducks' feathers. This is then washed off as part of the process that prepares the hair for shaving brushes. I had a quick Google/Wiki but no luck. We need an expert on mammals I think.


This would only be a maladapation if the badger were put in an environment where its hair could become waterlogged.
Likely that the water soaking property is just a coincidence , probably traps air and helps to keep Badger warm.
Bunch of Badger fiends and not a one serious answer?

You know they used human hair as well as animal to absorb oil spill right? HERE

Too bad majority of masses don't wetshave otherwise they would've figured rounding up every blasted critter in China and stuffing in stocking trailing it across sea ought to help some.