Blackland's new Sabre

As any normal enthusiast can find out by reading the information on your website.
Perhaps define "normal enthusiast"?

However I do admit to being curious about a Gem razor that costs at least £206 plus £40 extra for the stand when the best Gem razor ever made, the Ever Ready Patent 1912 can be bought on ebay for under £20, made in England from steel.

The mass production robotic CNC engineering must be really good to engineer all the slots and holes in the head from a 316L blank though.
TBF, you were beginning to sound like an Internet Troll with Blackland in your site's, the term "normal enthusiast" is just that, if i am interested in something and may want information I go to the website and read up on it and make an informed choice. If I don't like the look of something or cannot afford it I don't bother.
The Blackland GEM and AC razors, in my experience blow the doors off any 1912, 1914, 1924 or Micromatic or chinese AC copy. They are so much more smooth throughout the shave, and feel better in the hand. YMMV of course.
It sounds like you are happy with your £20 1912 and there's nothing wrong with that.
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Critical yes but never a troll.

Personally I would check on independent reviews rather than the manufacturer's own appraisal. But the new Sabre is not yet supplied so reviews at this time are not available. So inquiries must go to the manufaturer's representative. Personally, I think that if Blackland is sensitive about inquiries about their product they should say so and also perhaps replies to them should be limited to certain forum members while excluding others.

Yes, I do like the Ever Ready Gem razors as do others on this forum. A perfect shave eveery time.
This new Blackland SE razor will certainly have to go a bit to beat my Titanium Vector which has given me very consistent shaves on its regular rotation over the last couple of years !
But if anything like the quality and thought that went into that continues in the Sabre, then it will be a definite winner !


If we look at the recent history with an open mind we find that in the higher priced razors Double Edge survives but 0ther forms in SE go out of production. But it is perhaps a testament to those discontinued razors that they are rarely up for sale as used razors. So if the past is an indication of future trends then the future for all higher priced SE razors is not all that rosy.

I supppose a deciding factor may also be the higher price so that some people either cannot afford them or refuse to buy them at the high price. That makes the higher priced razors exclusive which itself may be a good marketing strategy. But eventually what does the manufacturer do when everyone who is willing to buy the razors has bought them and there are no more prospective buyers? There are basically two options: Either offer a new, upgraded razor to your existing devoted customers or offer a discount to bring in new customers or both!

The message from the past is "If you want it buy it while you still can!"
Came in earlier today. As always, impeccably packaged and presented. Got a quick shave in this evening. Also a few pics for those that anxiously await for their revamped Sabre.

To save the suspense and any extra fluff as I’m about to head out the door with friends & family for eats & cocktails, I will tell you that Shane over at Blackland has nailed every facet and objective goal that he wanted to accomplish with the renewed Sabre. Quality & fitment is precise (fiddle with the top cap, guard and base plate fitment gents. Just to get familiar with how the guard and magnets fit into a precise position for proper blade alignment and everything else. Takes no time to get familiar with the process) with excellent feel in hand that is both well balanced & secure. I used the L3 guard attachment as I had 3 full days of growth to contend with. That guard size is a very noticeable upgrade in efficiency & feel over the original L2 plate from the OG Sabre yet, it still offers a very smooth and controlled feel over the skin that is on par with the previous L2 plate option. Feels like a more stable and direct Clog-Pruf with the smoothness of the OG Sabre L2. 2.5 passes was all that was needed to achieve a near full BBS minus a spot or two on both sides of the Adam’s Apple area. I was pressed for time and left that for the next shave where I can concentrate a bit more on total whisker annihilation.

Very, very impressive first shave and I think Shane meet & exceeded what he was trying to accomplish with the revamped Sabre. Only 1 shave in but, I’ve had my OG Sabre since it was first released (since 2017) and have put in well over 100 shaves. I can honestly say with the New Sabre that this is a superior version that still screams Blackland quality, style & innovation. I’m extremely excited to run this razor through its paces with all 4 levels of shave adjustability. This is a winner at the moment.

Great shaves to all….

These are the kind of reviews I will be looking out for.
I don't own the original Sabre and very interested in hearing about the differences, if any from people that do.
For me I will be testing it against the 1912 that I already own and can't wait to get it in my hands, next Thursday unless it gets here sooner.
Mmm, come to daddy!

An easy Sunday morning shave with the new Sabre & L2 guard plate. I believe there to be the slightest uptick in razor cutting ability over the OG L2 plate if memory serves me correctly. Might have to do a shave comparison between these two contemporary GEM razors just to get a more precise result but, I’m pretty sure the newer Sabre has the edge in performance comparing equal base plate size. Simply a pure joy to use this new Sabre.