Blue Stratos

I can pick that stuff up locally - along with Raport and Mandate.

All three are blasts from the past.
Many thanks Graeme.
I had just finished the last of my Blue Stratos and that link saves me the trouble of driving 18 miles....tramping across town and paying nearly £3 extra. Unfortunately they dont seem to do the talc which doubles up as an effective deoderant.
The talc is an effective deoderant, eh? Sounds good. How would you describe the scent of the AS, Brian?

EDIT: that'll be why it says 'Deodorising Talc' on the bottle....:blush:
Good stuff, ehh!? I bought a bottle Stratos, 5.48 to Sweden, all in. Damn, I should sell things, not buy (I'm a sucker for good deals though). Maybe Martin has matured now and bites the next time ...
Gairdner said:
The talc is an effective deoderant, eh? Sounds good. How would you describe the scent of the AS, Brian?

EDIT: that'll be why it says 'Deodorising Talc' on the bottle....:blush:

I don't have a nose for fragrances.....probably because I smoke.....but it smells like a man's fragrance. You dont have to make excuses! Also it's an original..... My personal feeling is that most new stuff is just a rehash of something that has already been!
Gairdner said:
The talc is an effective deoderant, eh? Sounds good. How would you describe the scent of the AS, Brian?

EDIT: that'll be why it says 'Deodorising Talc' on the bottle....:blush:

The talc seems to have a longer lasting fragrance than the A/S on my skin Graeme. I'd say the Stratos is a light, pleasant scent. Although it gets noticed people tend to ask is someone wearing cologne rather than blink & dab the moisture from their eyes as the can do with over application of Brut cologne in the glass bottle.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:
Naughty man! Enjoying it?

P.S. vintage Hai Karate Oriental Spice is the hounds hangers but I never did own the original.
Gairdner said:
Naughty man! Enjoying it?

P.S. vintage Hai Karate Oriental Spice is the hounds hangers but I never did own the original.

Yeah it's weird actually because I caught Jeremy Vine talking to someone on the radio about fragrances, and Jeremy said that he used a brand of deoderant recently that was from way back when he was at Uni and as soon as he put it on the fragrance took him back to that time and the memories came flooding back.

That worries me a bit though for when I use the Noir in case there are memories that I have had safely tucked away in my subconscious for many years that now decide to spring back out at me!

Cheers Graeme.
I know what you mean. Can't go near Cool Water even though I still like it - too many crazy memories from the nineties. Most of them are pretty fragmented anyway, lost in an alcoholic haze tinted with a, erm...herbal base note? The Stone Roses seem to jump out at me but then so does Pink Floyd. Mental! Have you seen Matron about?
Well, Postie rang the bell and in swooped the Blue Stratos. I tell you it ain't half bad, in fact it's quite good. I's sniffed far worse at umpteen times the price. Feels more summery to me but by 'eck, made in this sceptred isle, cost a fiver and smells really quite good, I'll wear it. Now I'm no expert, very far from it but this does not smell cheap or nasty at all. Maybe not all that sophisticated but then that suits me fine. Have a feeling the Mrs will like this one. Gawd, I hope she does! It'

The long-haired Sergeant Major herself says she will go to M&S tomorrow and pick me up some Woodspice as I fancy a go at that an' all. Made in Britain too - jobs for the boys and girls.

This is prime enabling, Graeme. Prime enabling...............dammit!!