BST -what does bump mean

Stavros said:
It's when the seller "bumps up" the thread to the top of the forum.
bumping is simply adding another post so that the entire thread gets put at the top of the activity list. The threads with the most recent posts are shown first and so bumping keeps it "alive." You will also commonly see "ttt" meaning "to the top" as another form of bumping.
Is it only me that this really annoys when it happens time, after time, after time?

I think you should be allowed to bump it a couple of times and no more.

For example, we have someone (not naming names) who has bumped his own wares about 20 times now whilst barely contributing anything else to the forum.
That sounds like a fair idea. Annoying to see items at top of listing, the majority of which are sold. Obviously my query has struck a chord, with those who think it is a bit out of order.
We enjoy a forum that is lightly moderated and yet folk keep on coming up with ideas for new rules - presumably without thinking who is supposed to police the new rules, considering Boab has recently pointed out that he and the Mods don't want excessive admin tasks.

So excessive bumping is annoying but not as much as Nigel F, surely!