Convert Me. . .

Welcome Dave. There's no need to hang your head for using cartridge razors, there are many of us cartridge-users on this forum. I've been shaving regularly for +50 years and have used a myriad of cartridges, DE's, SE's and even electrics. About three years ago, however, I went back to using cartridges full time and have not looked back. As my primary razor I use a Mach3 and for a change of pace or when I'm travelling I use a Gillette Sensor twin blade. I find that these two cartridge give me a close, comfortable shave with no irritation or ingrown hairs; in fact I much prefer them to any DE or SE that I've used. Notwithstanding, I consider myself to be a "wet shaver", using a shaving brush (of which I own 37), a quality shaving cream, a Moss scuttle and an alcohol-based aftershave splash. As for five or more blade cartridges, I've not been tempted to use any of them since I'm entirely satisfied with my daily shaves with a Mach 3 and Sensor.
Huge thanks to @Digimonkey for his generosity in sending me a box of DE products to try. I am all set to have a go at lathering with cream & a brush for the first time ever!

One more quick question - A week into giving up 5-blade carts and though I have noticed less ingrowers & bumps, the redness on my face has not cleared up as much as I thought it would have done by now. I've pretty much been shaving every other day for a week, starting with a fresh cart, and definitely feel less irritation but I really want the rash marks to go.

I'm almost embarrassed to admit this, but I might as well be honest. . . I've taken tweezers to my face at times to get ingrowers & awkward hairs out, and even stuff I missed whilst shaving instead of just taking another pass, and I'm now paying for said butchery with wounds that are in no hurry to heal. This will no doubt account for some, but not all, of the redness.

Any tips / products known to deal with rash well, please let me know. I've asked in a well known high street chemist twice and been recommended ASB and Moisturiser, both of which I use anyway, they seem to soothe it but not actually remove the rash. Help!
Are you using a DE razor yet?
It's good to use a brush and decent soaps and creams instead of the 'canned gunk' but changing your razor from a cartridge to a DE is the big difference...and your technique.

As already been mentioned. Mapping your beard is the most important thing to get right first.

You can buy balms and aloe vera gel to calm the irritation but you want to prevent the redness in the first place.
Hopefully moving to a DE razor and changing your shaving to a 2 or 3 pass shave should improve things. Map your beard growth and light pressure.

As for your first DE razor. It depends on whether you want a nice new shiny one suggestion a vintage Gillette Tech.

I've never used a EJ 89 so I don't know how they shave. I did buy a Merkur 34C as my first DE razor and I wasn't a fan.
I've just started using a Gillette Tech and been really happy with. Superb razor for under a tenner. Hard to argue with.

Good luck.

Also worth watching a few videos by PaulH.

Aloe Vera and the Gillette tech are good calls. Vitamin E oil is also good.
You probably need to give your skin a rest and time to recover before shaving again.

Edit: The aloe vera will soothe and vitamin e will help the skin recover.
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If the carts work then why change?

Bold statement in these parts I know, But then I still use the cart there's a number of reasons for that:

They work for me.
I get a good shave every time rather
than a bad shave on an important day.
DE and SE just don't 'do it' for me.

What did improve things for me was ditching the canned goo, investing in better creams and post shave balms. I like using a brush (I have a couple synthetics) and my skin has improved considerably over the past few months. By using different creams it keeps me interested and offers something new.

Just food for thought, you might find what your looking for there.
@Boru62 sorry I can't see a quote function (how do you find it?). I have a big Tesco round the corner, I see they do 'Aloe Vera gel with vitamins A, C & E' and also 'Aloe Vera gel with Tea Tree Oil.' I guess either will do the job of helping my skin recover?

As regards 'taking a break' from shaving, I can miss a day but get really annoyed leaving stubble for several days.
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I buy Aloe Vera gel on eBay and got the vitamin e oil from iHerb.
If you need to shave because of itchiness use hair conditioner and rinse off after a couple of mins, softer bristles don't itch.
Hi Dave, as a veteran of visits to dermatologists and skin clinics over the years I'd suggest;
Don't use tea tree oil or any blend of tea tree with the aloe vera. Not if you already have these irritated spots, it can be an irritant. Just pure aloe gel will be best. You could try a crushed aspirin or partially dissolved soluble aspirin tablet on any inflamed spots.
Best of luck m8.

JohnnyO. o/
Thanks all. Just realised that the ASB that @Digimonkey sent me has Aloe Vera extract in, so will switch to that which may help.

@Blackmass I will aim to get a DE razor this week & in the meantime will introduce proper shaving cream & brush along with existing razor. Was thinking of WS Classic or Gillette Tech to start off. Do Boots, supermarkets etc have any DE stuff? I've never really looked, but at a glance they seem to be all about cart razors. I think I've seen DE blades for sale but not the razors themselves

Boots and Supermarkets do sell a few bits and pieces. You can pick up Palmolive/Nivea creams and balms easy enough.
Maybe give this razor a try?