Cracked windscreen

I've got a small crack about 5" or 6" long at the top of my windscreen, where the mirror is attached. It can't be felt on the inside, and I'm wondering if there is something I should do to stop it spreading? Any ideas?
i think you can only get little stone chip type holes treated, my GF had a crack in her windscreen in the same sort of area, just got it replaced under insurance (tesco) had to pay a £50 excess though.
hunnymonster said:
Pretty inevitable. Depending on the car the windscreen can also be part of the structural strength of the roof...

Guess I'll have to bite the bullet and dig out the insurance policy then...can't remember what the excess is.
soapalchemist said:
Jeeez, you lot have got me terrified now! I'll do it asap, before roof collapses on my head as I bomb down the M5.

Not only that, but the stone that gets kicked up by an HGV that would normally bounce off might well cause extra damage and shite all over the seat when you lose control.

While riding a motorbike, I narrowly missed a half-brick coming my way on Doncaster bypass that had been wedged between the twin tyres on the back of an HGV about 15 years ago - I thought I was a goner that day. The leathers saved any public embarrassment though :?
Windscreen can account for to to 30% of roofs integral strength, scary or what!

Damage in drivers sightline over 10mm will fail MOT test.

In area where wipers cover, up to 40mm allowed, but this is accumulative, one at 15mm & one at 30mm, you are in for a fail.

Hope that cheered you up
If your insurance is fully comp then if you give them a ring they often have an arrangement with one of the national firms for repair / replacement without its affecting your no claims. Happened to us a couple of years ago, we're with Norwich Union however I believe it's a fairly standard arrangement.

JohnnyO. :?
I used to drive one of those (not with all that flowery shite on - and not as modern as that) - mine was white and came from "Big Mike's Cheap Cars" in Darlington - cost me £50 and had £40 in tax on it

Sold it 6 months later for £350 having spent £50 on a set of remould tyres & some elbow grease in cleaning it up to get it through the MOT.
talking of little fiats, one of my mates who at 39 still feels he is a boy racer, has the Fiat Abarth, and it is shit hot, like a little racing car
took me out for a ride to box hill in surrey a few weeks ago for a pint, and there were a few little moments where my arse was trying to grip the seat !