December 2016 acquisitions

Is that a Linn LP12 I can see in the background?

Mine was 30 years old this year and it is still going strong, but well overdue a service. My Naim amps are also 30 years old and work just as they did 30 years ago. I kept all my vinyl when CD came along so I still have plenty of music to listen to, amazing that my children barely know what a CD is let alone Vinyl.
It is Bizzyberry. Well spotted mate. The old girl still does it.

I Got My Factory Fresh NOS Herder Solingen Stainless 5/8th Today in the Post..I Honed her Up in Jig Time..I have Read Elsewhere in Some Forums that Stainless SRs Take Longer to Hone..That's Not My Experience..I Have Also Heard Some Say Stainless Blades Don't Take as Sharp an Edge as Carbon Steel Blades..That's Not My Experience Either..In the Contrary..

I Have Never Honed a Current Stainless SR but the Few Vintage Ones Around that Used this Steel are Just Awesome Shavers..Herders are No Run of the Mill Solingen SRs..This is My 2nd One..They are the Cream of the Crop..It Took a Wicked Sharp & the Finest of Edges..I Could have Shaved with this SR from the 1 K Stone..

4 Chinese Schick Injector Magazines.
Ordered from ↪Amazon US.
I went all out and opted for expedited delivery.
Ordered on the 29th December, delivered by UPS today 2nd January.
Total VAT/Duty/Royal Mail fees: £0
Total cost:

Bargain! Result!
The trick: I had them delivered to an address in Germany.
Now I have to wait three weeks until I can pick them up