Derby extra

I jumped into the deep end with my first blades with the Feathers, fortunately I also used a reasonably mild razor. Not a brilliant idea but forced me to be more careful.
Derby would have been a better option I think. However, with an aggressive razor it can be an excellent combination. They are not the sharpest but one of the smoothest and with the Merkur Progress on setting 4 or 5, they go through my facial hair like butter and the skin doesn't feel raw like it does with Merkur 34 HD and Feather blade combination.
Saying Derby blades are rubbish, it's a rather harsh statement I think. There are razors and hair types for which Derby blades make an excellent combination.
Don't mind them at all-kids, wife have all used them with no issues. Granted, there are quality issues, but I've had them with Astras as well!
Now, Sharks......there's a different story!
I actually enjoy these. I used them in DE89, Merkur HD, Merkur Futur. I like to use them only in the Futur now. They are smooth and sharp enough, so they don't tug.
Me and Derbys – we've had our issues. But we're good now. If I have my cheap as chips Derby blades in my cheap as chips Chinese razor, I've got a very comfortable set up for head shaving. I don't need BBS on my dome; I just want a decent shave with no nicks that I can do in quick time. Plus, I like to save my better blades for face shaving.

It's a happy place for me and Derby nowadays.
I went back to basics last night with the original set up I used many years ago. EJ De89 and a fresh Derby blade. Arko stick. No cuts, no irritation and BBS all over, no missed patches. Not the most comfortable shave in the world but completely adequate. That's Derby for me - average, mediocre, nothing to get excited about but then nothing to really complain too much about - not the sharpest but then they don't claim to be.
.... and just to contradict myself - put a fresh Derby in my blackbird to plough down my light 2 day stubble and it was tugging, pulling and bouncing like a 2 year old on a sugar rush. Swapped mid 2nd pass for an Astra SP to salvage the shave.
Not suited to the blackbird - but I get good shaves out of Derby's in milder razors.... I guess an aggressive razor asks too much of it .