Egyptian shaving goodies

just back from a trip to Egypt and found some great local products and thought maybe others would like to give them a try too.

  • Lord premium razor
  • Ingram extra cool cream
  • Lord emofresh cream
  • Man look mint cream
  • Artev cream
  • Man look aftershave balm
  • Lord platinum blades
I'll include some tucks of other blades as well, lord or other brands, depending on what you're interested in trying.

The razor is like the Lord L6 that I already have and love but the chrome finish seems to be slightly better on this one and it has a better handle. the head shape is similar in design to a merkur. fairly mild and comfortable.

I brought back an extra Ingram aftershave that smells great but the lids seem to be not the greatest, unfortunately. they leaked a bit in the suitcase and soaked the cardboard boxes so probably not a good idea to post out and I'll need to give it to someone in person instead.

the usual kind of conditions apply. I'll leave this around for a week or so. just reply with something to the effect that you're interested. if there's multiple people, I'll do a random generator.

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Great PIF and a very kind generous gesture. Respectfully not in, as I purchased Ingram shaving cream recently, I found it randomly in a pharmacy in central London, along with some Kent badger brushes.
I purchased Ingram shaving cream recently, I found it randomly in a pharmacy in central London, along with some Kent badger brushes.
was it the new one that doesn't lather or old stock of the good stuff? I'm still sad about the reformulation of the blue UK one. I thought it was great before it disappeared, even if it was runny.
Well done to you for your generous PIF.
I have enough consumables to last me out so respectfully not in.
Good luck to all that enter.

Hi, really great idea a Country PIF with all the goods hard to find abroad. I would actually love to try the razor, considering their cheap version is also one of my favourite razor of all time and if it has the same feel on the skin I then need to convince my wife to take our next holidays to egypt only to be able to buy it
A great gesture with some nice goodies to be had. Having won a PIF just the other week I shall watch this one from the side. Good luck to all participants!
I think it may well be rude to ignore such generosity - I'll throw my chapeau in - thank you for the opportunity - I.

1) @Digimonkey