Evening All.

Hi Guys, firstly, thank you for letting me join, I'm a 54 year old who's finally taken the plunge and moved over to DE/safety razor shaving about 4 weeks ago after using various cartridge systems for most of my previous adult life. Just to test the water I purchased a DE shaving set (handle and 20 blades) from Amazon for about £12, my first attempt left my face BBS but I had some razor burn/irritation under my chin/neck, I've subsequently lightened the pressure and the results have been great, I have now well and truly fell down the DE shaving rabbit hole (I'm now window shopping for my next DE Razor) and am now looking forward to participating and reading on the forum. Paul B in Cheshire.
A big warm welcome to TSR Paul and great to see you are a fellow Bruce lee fan, Williams was actually my favourite character in ETD and reminds me of myself.
Your going to have a great time here on TSR island ha ha.

Martial Arts GIF
A big warm welcome to TSR Paul and great to see you are a fellow Bruce lee fan, Williams was actually my favourite character in ETD and reminds me of myself.
Your going to have a great time here on TSR island ha ha.

Martial Arts GIF
Ta Mate, ETD is one of my favourite movies ever, I've been married for 26 years and when the Mrs moans about being tired my standard response is "Why? Have you had a big day??" :-D
Hi Guys, firstly, thank you for letting me join, I'm a 54 year old who's finally taken the plunge and moved over to DE/safety razor shaving about 4 weeks ago after using various cartridge systems for most of my previous adult life. Just to test the water I purchased a DE shaving set (handle and 20 blades) from Amazon for about £12, my first attempt left my face BBS but I had some razor burn/irritation under my chin/neck, I've subsequently lightened the pressure and the results have been great, I have now well and truly fell down the DE shaving rabbit hole (I'm now window shopping for my next DE Razor) and am now looking forward to participating and reading on the forum. Paul B in Cheshire.
Welcome!!!! Get in touch if you need anything.
Thanks Mark, I'm already getting stuck into some threads on soaps and creams...one rabbit hole at a time :-D
Make sure you don't forget to purchase a supply of Bruce Lee blades.
For some reason I can't post a photo but here's a link to an image of them.

Cloud Bruce lee blades

I can't believe it was the anniversary of his death 51 years ago the other day already.
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