First use of the ATT SE1 (new to SE)


Broughty Ferry
Having seen many SE razors on shave of the day, and having read a few reviews, I decided to get a ATT SE1 with bamboo handle. I have also bought Feather Professional blades.

I have used DE razors for years, preferring a mild razors, with Gillette Silver Blue's or more recently the Astra (SP) Greens.

I am a little nervous about using the ATT SE1 now that it has arrived. My head says that the jump from DE to SE should be straight forward, with decent prep and letting the head of the razor do the work with no pressure, watch the angle etc.

Before I start, any tips? What are the do's and dont's of SE shaving? Is there anything I need to watch? Are there golden rules of SE shaving? How did others find the transition?

Any help and advice gratefully appreciated.


Hello Chris, trust what your head is telling you mate as there's nothing to be nervous about, For me the SE1 is a superb shaver and I had no trouble going from my DE's to using the SE1.
I use the feather pro blades and find them very good, you mentioned in your post that you prefer a mild razor, maybe the Kai mild pink blades would be more up your street, they are a drama free blade for me and also very good.

My top tip, enjoy using your new SE1

There is nothing to fear but fear it's self, it's just a razor, think of it as a one sided DE