Flexible Retirement

I've been employed, self-employed and, again, employed. Having worked far too hard, for far too long in my current role, I've decided to take a flexible retirement, which means taking part of my pension, stepping back and working part-time - so still earning, whilst adding to my pension. I'm fortunate to have mostly been in final salary pension schemes, which means a reasonable lump sum and annual pension on top of my salary and savings etc. As for my current role, in the words of a recently deposed MP, it's great to be free and I'm glad it's behind me ...
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Congratulations - well done you!
I also decided to retire (early at 63) a few months ago - not getting any younger/cost-benefit analysis.
Still getting my head round the major life change but definitely a good decision...
I turned 62 this year. Having already paid off our mortgage but with the state pension some way off, a flexible retirement seemed the way to go for me. I shall enjoy my spare time.
Good for you. I’m in a similar situation. Just turned 63, I think I can retire now on my navy pension with some occasional self employed work thrown in from time to time before state pension kicks in. Just to make it more fun, I’ll be clearing off to Spain in a couple of months after selling up here. Good luck!
Well Done & congratulations.
These decisions are not made lightly.
Iv been thinking along the same lines for a while.
i’m 58 but i can never make my mind up.
i hate working away from home these days but i also love the fat pay check the following month.
It’s the catch 22 situation.
I also paid of my mortgage last month,
It didn’t make sense to me paying it off but i did,
Everyone told me you’ll feel much better but i didn’t lol.
If i could retire right now i would,
Could i afford it ? not on the spending i’m currently doing and i don’t really want that to stop although most of it is silly.
like buying new cars that i only do under 2000 per year. Doesn’t make sense to me but i keep doing it.
Who knows when i’ll retire but i do know my work are now happy with me to come & go as i please which is a huge bonus.
i need to stop acting like a spoilt brat & think seriously about Retiring
63 here and semi-retired for the past 2½ years. Living quite happily of the first and smallest of two pensions with a bit of covering work thrown in for a bit of a boost. Need to watch the tax though as ended up owing the tax man this past year. Something you need to keep an eye on if considering semi status as you end up with two tax codes where one doesn't know what the other is paying out. Unfortunately the tax man does

Best decision I have ever made together with paying the house off some five years back.

If you can do it, I would highly recommend the move. Gives more time to write shite on here and concentrate on oneself instead of others. Lost 25% body weight, regularly exercising and generally annoying people in between. Which I did beforehand anyway.

The most amazing thing for me is how my days are packed out with doing. Mainly generated by other folk.

Going in to full retirement next year when my wife retires from teaching.....and then we shall kill each other. Look forward to the day as apparently I’m first