Floris online sale

Got the email about the sale this morning and promptly stocked up on jf and santal.

Thankfully (for me) the private collection is not in the sale as I splurged on a mahon leather before Christmas.
I'm tempted by the apparent bargains, but have no idea on the scents. I think it would still be too much of a gamble just basing it on the descriptions.
PavlovsDog said:
I'm tempted by the apparent bargains, but have no idea on the scents. I think it would still be too much of a gamble just basing it on the descriptions.

I'm the same. No idea what they smell of!

Floris do free sample vials,just sign up for their online newsletter and send them a e mail asking for some,they are very obliging.

It can't hurt, I guess. I already get the online newsletter, so I guess they have my details anyway.