Gentlemans Face Care Club Premium Shaving Cream - £8.47

Order successfully placed directly with the company earlier today, payment via PayPal.

Will update on delivery (hopefully!).
I used to buy it but I got that message a year ago and haven't bought any since. I emailed to tell them but they didn't reply. Stuff 'em.
This message was invoked because I was careless in entering my password, so, to that extent, it was my fault, but if you're running a customer-facing system it behoves you to ensure that all messages seen by the customer are polite. I'm sure that the message was written by the original developer of the Web system and I'm equally sure it was meant to be replaced by suitable text entered by the system's purchaser. Careless not to have done so and careless not to respond to emails informing them of the issue.
Reactions: Bob
Whilst I agree that it's poor of them not to respond to contact emails regarding ordering issues, their cream is still fab and both times I've ordered (once on eBay from seller Marks Mancave and once from Amazon during the ‘buy one get two free' offer) I've had no problems.

I have a real soft spot for the ‘Premium' cream which is basically their original (sandalwood) one renamed, as it was the first ever shaving cream I used when moving away from canned crap. It smells delightful. Quite honestly I'm not sure what sandalwood even is, all I know is that to me this one has a really pleasant vanilla / coconut kind of smell and leaves my face feeling great

My order of Premium Shaving Cream has arrived. To summarise, this was my purchasing experience:

Ordered directly from Gentlemans Face Care Club, paying £8.48 inc. by PayPal 09/09/2019. - Delivered 13/09/2019.

It is disappointing to hear of other's negative experiences when dealing with GFCC, though I've never had any such problems myself. Having said that, I have no particular allegiance to the company, and will always buy the product I want from the cheapest source at that time, be that GFCC, eBay, Amazon or whatever. At the time of this particular purchase, £8.48 from GFCC was the best I could find.

Always glad to be notified of bargains!
Do you only use the premium one?
Do you only use the premium one?

Yes - I've used the Bergamot Neroli in the past and it was OK, but I wasn't impressed enough to buy again. And Lime in general doesn't do much for me. I very much enjoy the 'Premium' though. The fragrance has been described as Sandalwood, but if that's so, it's the most subtle Sandalwood I've encountered.
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I hated the smell of the B&N. Not my bag at all. I will use up the Caribbean Lime but probably wouldn't buy it again. The Lime is so subtle it's barely there at all. The Premium one is an absolute delight, the lovely smell lingers for quite some time afterwards which I really like. I plan to always have one to hand regardless of what other creams I use too.