Geo. F. Trumper creams

Trumper shaving cream is excellent and economical. The problen with Trumper Shaving Cream for me personally is the low to non-existent scent. We tell new shavers about the pleasures of wet shaving and refer to the variety of scents in shaving soap and cream and then they buy what they consider to be the best and buy Trumper and ... no scent! And OMG Trumper Shaving Soap!
Spanish Leather & Eucris have wonderful scents
Another vote for Trumper’s Spanish Leather and Eucris. They both have very nice scents. Spanish Leather is very similar to Imperial Leather soap and Eucris brings back memories of the scent of Aramis’s body shampoo to my nose.

I’m also fond of the now sadly discontinued violet shaving cream, which as well as having a vibrant colour has a nice flowery scent to it. I managed to pick up a new, unused tub on eBay a few weeks ago having bought a tub and a tube a few years back when it was still readily available,