Gillette Bleue Extra

Kent "Invicta"
These blades whilst in the plastic dispenser (x10) have a noticeable smell of oil, this dissipates once placed into the razor and is hardly, if at all noticeable.

I have found them to be very smooth and would compare them to *Iridiums* and Thins in this factor, and like the Thins, they hold their edge for a considerable period without a sudden drop off. I’ve pushed these blades to five consecutive shaves and could have pushed for more.

For the price comparison of £10.48 per 100 at the time of this posting, they are worth having a punt on.

*Whilst still my favourite blade, i can only get four shaves from a blade*


The blades concerned in this review are the circa 2000 blades.

As such and after reading other posts regarding the Gillette Bleue Extra's and the general consensus that the newer produced blades are not to the same quality, i will attach the link to where i purchased these from.

Having not used the newer blades i cannot make a direct comparison between the two.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 35a42b8c55</a><!-- m -->
I haven't tried Iridiums, but they get good reviews. I find the Bleues smoother than the Thins and the Thins sharper than the Bleues. Marginally mind you!

Best blades currently in production and at a good price on E-bay. I believe the blades from circa 2000, are superior, this is what rareup1 is selling.

FrenchBlade said:
Funny thing is, I don't get on with these (almost the only one available locally), and unlike most I get on well with the Merkur blades.
I PIFed what I had left, to someone on here...


I don't know if your locally sourced new Bleues are the same ones UK members have been using.
I have seen people chatting about these and the general consensus seems to be positive, so i have just ordered some from the link above.

If i don't like them, i'm sure i will be able to offload them here
Any chance somebody could PIF a pack my way? I fancy trying them but don't want to go buying a hundred in case I don't like them. I could send you some Thins, Astras, Sharks, Jewels or something else in return.
Yellow Jim said:
Any chance somebody could PIF a pack my way? I fancy trying them but don't want to go buying a hundred in case I don't like them. I could send you some Thins, Astras, Sharks, Jewels or something else in return.

If no-one else does mate, when mine come through (only ordered them today) i'll send a pack off to you.
They really are very good. Has anyone compared the blades from E-Bay (think most of us got them from Rareup1?) which I believe were manufactured circa 2000, to the ones available from France today? Rareup1 was selling 2000 of these at one stage. I kept looking at them and thinking "Should I, maybe the new ones will be mince"

Paranoidly yours