Gillette what?

On my last visit home I discovered this poor razor languishing in a cupboard. First thoughts were that it is in such a bad state of repair that really I should bin it, but I also found out that it was my grandfathers so I'm reluctant to just sling it out. It shaves fine too even though I did give myself a very poor shave the other day, but I did have two others that were fine though.
Two questions, anyone able to tell me the year please? I suspect 50's but don't really know. Also if I wanted to get it replayed could it be done from this state?

Thanks in advance


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It is a New long comb - thirties I think? Any cracks in the handle? i would imagine that re-plating from that state would be very simple for Dave at restored razors whose excellent work can be viewed on a number of different razors on this forum. It is a lovely razor and if it was my Grandad's, I'd use it on a Sundays and special occasions only and display it in pride of place! Once you get used to them, they are great shavers if a little on the aggressive side but then that suits me.

A few pictures from the fabulous Mr Razor site:


#44 Set - 1934?

Best I can do from my rather limited knowledge.

Lovely razor!
Even if it didn't work out as such a great shaver for me, being my Grandad's razor, I'd stick at it come what may, get it replated and even after that if it still wasn't the best at shaving, I'd keep it and display it. A very pretty 80 year old family heirloom bathroom ornament!

Dave will replate it in Nickel for £20.

Restored Razors

Thanks very much for the link Chris. I had seen the article before, but now it helps put things into perspective. In particular the part that mentions razor burn if too much pressure is applied!

Graeme, thanks very much for both of your very informative posts & the link to Restored Razors. I need to use it more to get used to it properly, but I'm thrilled to have something nostalgic & functional that I can relate to. I shall get it replated as soon as Christmas is over & then use it for special occasions while it has pride of place in the bathroom!

It's one (like the Slant) for careful concentration!
Dipesh said:
Great find there.

That NEW head is the best of the bunch IMO.

Thanks Dipesh, it seems nice to use apart from when I got too enthusiastic the other day & gave myself a good case of razor burn! That'll learn me, as they say.

WiffWaff, you're right there just for sentimental reasons is plenty good enough.
+1 to the comments made already.

It's definitely worth getting it replated as those heads are quite difficult to come by compared to US and other UK NEW's.

They made two types of ball-end handle for them one with a hollow end and one without. I'm not sure from your picture if yours is hollow-ended or not?

The value if the razor is around £25 in it's current state IMO.

Mine is the hollow ended one & I will be getting it replated in the new year. Before that I shall keep using it & enjoying both the razor & it's link to past family.

chrisbell said:
It's one (like the Slant) for careful concentration!
Sure is Chris, as I discovered earlier this week. Have been treating it with more respect now!