Hi Guys,

I received my PIF win last night, but there were only a few items I liked. So, I’ve decided to PIF the rest, and I’ve also added a few things of my own. There’s a decent amount in the box now.

I’m thinking of sending this off to someone else. Take what you like, maybe add something of your own, and then PIF it forward.

If anyone is interested, put your name down, and I’ll generate a winner on Monday night.



Kind regards,
Great PIF, respectfully not in but good luck to everyone that enters.

Best Wishes Good Luck GIF by Studios 2016
Fantastic PIF - at this rate we end up with a shipping container by the end of the year ;)
(I'd say I recognise some of these soaps...)
Respectfully not in, but good luck to whoever enters. Excellent way to try some of the best soap makers (in my opinion) in the hobby.
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