Hard or soft......which is it?

Hard or soft.......which is it?

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So which cookie type do you prefer? You like em crisp and crunchy or soft and chewy? I will leave an option for 'both' as well.

Heh, I know there's no such thing as a wrong answer. I also know some people don't know what the hell they're talking about. I expect plenty of those answers.....

Ok, talk amongst yourselves and please give a reason for your voting choice. In general, what type would you choose if both were on a plate.


My druthers is a thin crispy cookie. Soft ones just aren't as much fun to eat.

Hah, leave it to you foreigners to come up with a weird culinary habit. You guys really seem to like dunking stuff like cookies, eh? May I ask......dunking into what exactly? Coffee wouldn't be so bad I guess....kinda like dunking donuts.

Wait, you're not talking about dunking something like an innocent cookie into TEA? Oh jeeeez, tell me that ain't it. I am getting the spins thinking about submerging cookies into that insipid stuff.

Boy, I woulda never thought of something this bizarre, let alone seen how popular it seems to be. Oh yeah, don't confuse the issue with things like 'biscuits', whatever the hell those are....heh.

I may delete this whole thread...........
Ginger nuts and coffee are a good combo for me but I do like to dunk Rich Tea biscuits into tea and try and catch it before it disintegrates into sludge at the bottom of the cup.
You do have biscuits, its what the cookie monster eats. there's no way a soft cookie would crumble and fly about in that nom nom nom manner ergo:the cookie monster is actually eating biscuits.

Its our language, we let you play with it but if you carry on trying to break it, we may take it back.
Sm304 said:
Ginger nuts and coffee are a good combo for me but I do like to dunk Rich Tea biscuits into tea and try and catch it before it disintegrates into sludge at the bottom of the cup.

+1 on the ginger nuts. But I was only talking to SWMBO the other day after realising I haven't eaten a biscuit since Christmas. It's rare I drink a normal cuppa as we always drink green tea.

You guys......never know what you are up to. So regarding dunking, it's real popular eh? Cookies in coffee and biscuits in tea......that it mostly?

But the main thing is everybody dunks something more often that just eating whatever it is. Oh oh, I just had a thought. Do women dunk? Nahhh, it's too low class looking I would guess. You certainly don't think Toots dunks do you? Definitely can't see the Queen dunking either.

So I guess a biscuit is a savory, almost tasteless, dried out crunchy thing then? Sounds like a good match for tea.

What Brits will and won't dunk is a personal thing and seems not to be guided by the usual class structure. I will dunk Ginger Nuts into a lower quality tea and thoroughly enjoy doing so - the start and finish of my dunking habit, once every other year. A female friend, on the other hand, will dunk most anything dry into most anything wet. She considers this to be quite normal and so issues no warning. Cake into soup. Sandwiches into tea. I cannot watch - revolting. Lovely, says she.