Hello From Essex

Evening all,

My first post, so I thought I should introduce myself properly.

Been wet shaving for 25 years plus as electric razors never did it for me. Been through a selection of cartridge razors over the years, as well as a couple of straight razors with replaceable blade systems rather than blades you can sharpen (shavettes?). I have never been really satisfied with the results, and although I could get a smooth shave I often had quite a bit of irritation. In fact I would always shave the day before a meeting, just in case. I would soften my beard with warm water and use either hand soap or shaving gel from a can.

I thought it was time to start doing this properly, and to be honest just spoil myself with a "luxury shaving system". I am a bit of a sucker for a traditional approach to most things.

So, I ended up with a starter kit from The Traditional Shaving Company comprising of a Merkur 1904, best badger brush and Truefitt and Hill soap (along with a few extras) and a travelling kit of a Cyril R Salter travel brush and D R Harris shaving cream. I will use up my old cartridge razors when I travel, which I do a lot, then buy another DE razor for when I am away.

I have now tried both set ups. The 1904 and the soap gave me the closet shave I have ever had. Three passes, two WTG and one a mixture of ATG and XTG, and not a blemish. No soreness, and even applying aftershave didn't sting. It was also my most comfortable shave ever. I think I need to practise more to build the perfect lather, but it worked pretty well.

The travel set up worked well too. The cream lathered really well directly on my face. I didn't want to carry a bowel when travelling. The shave with the cartridge razor was pretty good. Two passes, one WTG and one ATG / XTG. I stopped there as I know that the cartridges can cause irritation. It was not quite as close a shave as the home set up, but it was still good and irritation free. The aftershave stung a little, but I expected that from that razor.

All in all it's been a bit of a revelation, and to find there are forums to join and new toys to buy makes it more of a hobby in line with my love of watches and pens.

Thanks for reading, and I look forward to spending some time here.

That's a trooper! Straight into open combs, good man. Finally someone isn't starting with Edwin Jagger and Palmolive stick..

P.S. for travel purposes there's another decent Merkur:

Helveticum said:
That's a trooper! Straight into open combs, good man. Finally someone isn't starting with Edwin Jagger and Palmolive stick..

P.S. for travel purposes there's another decent Merkur:

Yeah, that is one model I have my eye on actually.

The open comb doesn't feel too aggressive to be honest, but I have been using a straight razor so I guess it it wouldn't really. In fact, it is very smooth.

The biggest benefit I have seen is when I have just a day's growth. I often found that harder to deal with than a couple of days' worth, but it gets it nice and smooth very easily.

Thanks for all the welcomes everybody!
Yes, open combs are very gentle if you know what you're doing, and straights definitely help with a steady and easy hand.
Btw you may consider another toy at some point - Feather Artist Club SS
It's a shavette, bringing in the best of two worlds.