Holiday of a lifetime - never again!

This summer SWMBO and I were privileged to be able to spend 3 weeks travelling around British Columbia, Canada. While not really of the scope of one of Michael Palin's enormous televised journeys, I was nevertheless mindful of him as we travelled a great loop of 2,700 miles and stayed in 14 different hotels.

It's not the sort of holiday we can afford to do every year, but already I'm thinking, what holiday would I do if I had the money and didn't have to work? At present, this would be my ideal trek, from the tip of Alaska down into Mexico:

So today's topic, what's your ideal no-expense-spared holiday of a lifetime?
I'm not one for flying so some destinations are out for me.

Being Northern European and a practicing Heathen/Odinist I would say a Scandinavian cruise would be perfect.
If money and responsibility were no object I'd go big game fishing in the Azores or Mauritius with a couple of mates. If time were no object I'd travel through India again this time N to S along the East coast using public transport. Non of this secluded rent a car nonsense .
Probably some sort of gastronomic tour of Europe encompassing both Michelin starred restaurants and little cafes and bars that all serve amazing food.

At the moment a beach holiday doing absolutely nothing at all would be pretty damn good too!
antdad said:
If time were no object I'd travel through India again this time N to S along the East coast using public transport. Non of this secluded rent a car nonsense .

I did it from Goa to Calcutta (via Bombay) on a train, peasant class - saw some sites :lol: (was part of my Australia trip as a student - hitched a lift with the Uni's Geography field trip to Entebbe and took to buses, trains, boats to Kenya, India, HK, China, Japan & finally Australia - I did want to go to PNG, but not much boat traffic between Japan & PNG and no air traffic at all)
Hire an Electra Glide & traverse the entire length of the old Route 66. Okay, it's sheer sentiment ......... but then if an old guy can't still have wistful imaginings what's the point.

China & Japan, without question I believe China has a wide range of wet shaving paraphernalia at a reasonable price, so i read somewhere

Either that or visit Dumbfuckistan, tooled up for a big game safari hunt looking for the last surviving Lesser Spotted Jim, who once bagged would be stuffed with the roughest hair from a badgers arse and mounted in a pose attractive to male shetland ponies and loaned out to riding schools for the disabled (because i am public spirited & my niece has Cerebral Palsy)
What interesting responses, seriously.

I guess we all have differing priorities in life. Rest, solitude, excitement... we're all different beasts.

This evening I watched Martin Clunes and his Horsepower show. He was out in Asia somewhere and it looked amazing. I guess I am a scenery addict.