Hone Type 15a

Perhaps there is scope in the future, I batch manufacture, so I would have have to wait till I am at the point of ordering more. Its not such a fundamental change that it couldn't go across to the standard 15. If there was demand I would consider it.
Hi Andrew, I'm sure the demand is there.
Well done the 15a looks like it could be another winner.
As my first shave with the 15a was good despite using a dodgy blade, here is my first great shave with it:

Hone Type 15a - Shave #2
  • Wickham Super Smooth V2 Royal Mint soap (sample)
  • MÜHLE 33K257 synthetic brush
  • Hone Type 15a
  • Polsilver blade (1)
  • Alum block
  • No aftershave
On to the second shave. I'm also testing the new Wickham Super Smooth Royal Mint soap. Hence no aftershave - to assess the soap's post shave skin feel.
Ignore everything I said about yesterday's shave. The fresh PolSilver blade made a huge difference. So huge in fact that I believe there was something wrong with yesterday's Feather blade. I need to try the 15a with another Feather blade (from a different pack?) later on.
What a lovely shave this was. While the 15a still feels more aggressive than the 15, the blade feel was not too much for me. It's just right. The shave was helped enormously by the stellar performance of the new Wickham Super Soft soap, even though I don't really like mint.
The Hone 15a was gliding across my face, removing stubble efficiently.
I can't comment on audible feedback today. For .. errmm… logistical reasons I had to shave in the kitchen, next to the washing machine on a full spin cycle. Very annoying.
After my standard four passes my face is a smooth as it gets. Lovely.
I think Andrew is on to a winner here.
Tomorrow I'll do a shave off between the Hone 15 and the 15a. Half a face each.
It's looking like a winner, I can see a purchase taking place in the near future.

First let me say ... I'm not @riverrun , I am not as eloquent and I have nowhere near the background or knowledge of the other guys involved in the testing, so as a relative noob, this is what I have to say.

I am not a fan of black or aluminium razors, I find black to be the new grey, and aluminium is obviously way too light to make a razor.........Wrong !.

My tester was chosen in black as much to prove a point as anything else, I was disappointed when I open the cylindrical box, its a cracking looking thing, compared to the Standard I had from the lending pool, its head and shoulders above and just shouts build quality, as can be seen in the photo it has that ever so slightly gritty look to it, this is not felt during the shave, if I wanted a black alloy razor ? this one please 10/10.

onto my shaves.... yes plural ...lots and lots of plural, I can't stop using it, I have had it in my rotation since arrival, I think it's hitting a 3-1 ratio against everything else I own, The Hone 15A is a great shave and I'd have to say gives me the best first pass I have achieved with any razor I have owned or loaned, backed up with my usual XTG and ATG, I get a first class shave every shave.
Blade choice has become a choice based on the colour of the pack that catches my eye, the Hone 15A seems to have very little variation no matter what blade I fit, I have used everything from a Topaz, through various gillettes, Rapira's and my go to Voskhod, I can say that I am about to place an order for 50 Topaz, because If I had to bet my house, I would say that was my best 3 pass Saturday special and I need to try them again.

I have been getting use to a fair amount of sting from my foray's into the Injector are, and my favoured razor before the Hone 15A arrived the Ikon OC 102, also is known to make me pull that well known face from the alum and A/S splash, this is another high point in the hone 15A, It is almost.... almost non existant, so we are talking about a quality clean and smooth shave with next to no sting...... Awesome is used too much these day's, but it just is.

In conclusion, I love it ... yes even in black.

In order to be completely transparent, Andrew has kindly said I can keep the pre-production model I tested, this has a slight disparity in post size, but even this caused no issues with blade alignment, I will however be backing up my exhaltation of the Hone 15A by purchasing a Silver long handle version, ( can't wait to post a pic of a hybrid Back/silver).

Good Job Andrew and good luck.
Thank you for your opinion on the 15a, very well written even if you don't think you are as eloquent as @riverrun. Did you use the type 15 and if so can you give me comparisons?
I have the 15 and am very tempted to purchase the 15a and yes it would have to be black for me which would look sooo good sitting alongside my brass one.
I have owned a Brass 15 and am sorry to say that I had it while going through my....oohh look a new shiny thing stage, so I let it go to make room for something else.
Riverrun will be able to give a better worded comparison than me, but I would have to say the Alloy version gives me more feedback and I believe Andrew has added a small smidge to the blade exposure, but I can't bring myself to say it's more aggressive, as it's just not aggressive, quality of shave on a personal level is better than my memory of the original 15, hope this helps.

Treat yourself...you won't regret it.
Thank you.
@Stacy555 Thank you, its been great hearing you feedback during the testing - and I'm glad the 15a has delivered a surprise result for you. Its great to hear that, and makes a lot of late nights, and multiple shaving cuts worth it
You cut yourself with Hone prototypes?
You were onto something.. a Hone that's not too mild

To clarify: I don't think the Hone is too mild... YMMV..
Unless you like an R41 as a daily shaver, the Hone 15a does not rank in the 'too mild' class. I'd say it's mild and efficient - a joy and a doddle to use.

Andrew heard me on my longer handle issue and the new 100mm handle transforms the Hone, imo. I found the brass version too heavy and the 'short' handle gave me endless problems, especially under my nose - my review is around here somewhere. The 15a is lighter and thus more maneuverable and the long handle permits a grip away from the head - I believe it is much better balance, in fact, is well balanced.

The head geometry retains Andrew's brilliant design, so it's very much the same easy shave. I like it with a high handle angle and a milder blade - it just whacks the whiskers!

My only issue - which I believe has been addressed - was that I found the handle finish was a tad too smooth for good grip. It was perfect with dry fingers, as I like to shave, and progressively less so if I progressed through damp to wet and on to soapy, when I found it a bugger to hold. Arthritic thumbs may well have contributed hugely to my problem, of course.

How much do I like the 15a? Well, I'm off to buy a silver razor right now - I find it a very impressive razor that I enjoy using. With Xpec especially, it is a dream to shave with. I'm also delighted and impressed that Andrew has given us a 100mm version - he was very reluctant when the idea was first mooted.
I think Stacy and I got the 85mm handle, while Carl and the other testers had the 100mm handle.
Those guys kept going on and on about how great the 100mm handle is.
They wouldn't even lend me one for a few days... It must be good...