I had a WWII case without knowing

The Netherlands
Hahaha without knowing I just had an WWII tin case, its just so old I didnt find any sign that it really was the one that had been with the Tech.

So its this one, it got a wrong handle, its a Khaki set from WWII, from Canada, the head is right, but some one placed the wrong handle on it, oh well still looks nice.

Because I already though the tin case looked old, I already like the handle looks much younger. mr razor helped finding this out.

RE: I had a WWII without knowing

I think your head is also wrong as WW2 was from 39 to 45 unless you were in China. I have my grandfather's WW2 Gillette it has a carbon steel top no plating, a nickel plated bottom and a bakelite handle. Sad but no box for this one. I also have another one (Clix) he was issued same except bakelite bottom. This one has box. He said they gave him a new one when he lost box for first one. HAHA! I think he liked the clix so much he bought a 500. Which I really like shaving with.

I have seen razors in whatever box came along. I had a little wooden box my Grandfather made for his which my son made his at some point for some pins and such. I think this was common and the 'velvet lined box went in drawer or bin.
Its from Canada


See that picture, the head looks to be correct, its the handle which is wrong, that image says 1930s, WWII started at end off the 30s so I guess mr razor is correct.

Sure WW2 started in 1932 Mr Razor must be have a doctorate in History!

http://www.worldwar-2.net Nice timeline of WW2