
I haven't posted here for a while, which I regret, but life has got in the way and also I've been settled for a while on swapping between a few AC razors, so I lost the urge to try or read about others. Those I use quite often are the Colonial General V2, ATT Calypso, Razorock Hawk V3, Alpha Claymore and Asylum RX V2. Less often used are my Mongoose and Blackland Vector.
However, I keep reading about how wonderful some of the newer AC razors are and I suppose this has piqued my interest. But, in your opinion are any of the new boys really better than/significantly different to my "old guard"? If so, which are worth trying, hopefully without having to sell my house?
Judging by that list of razors I’d stay as you are, with the only potential one to try being Le Faulx razor from France, however with the different plate options it would be worth trying first, but it’s not significantly different or indeed better than what you have already.
The La Faulx razor does look good and rather similar to the Colonial General. I suppose it would be nice to have a go with one, but the cost of buying it probably makes that unjustifiable. Presumably import duty will add a fair bit to the price.
You certainly have some very good SE razors already. I doubt any of the newer razors will perform better than what you already have.

Every new razor, DE/SE/GEM type, are billed as 'better made, and performs way and above what you've used before'. The BST listings show this is simply not the case.

It's interesting to me that you don't use your Vector very often? I had a Vector, and found that it was rough in use - whichever blade I used with it.
I've recently acquired a Yaqi Romulus (a Vector clone), and it knocks the socks off the Vector in all respects.

Sometimes 'better the devil you know' rings true. Enjoy what you've got and keep your hard earned in the bank.
I agree with what JP said above in response to your earlier message. I have recently bought the La Faulx razor with the machined SS finish and the ++ plate and razor stand. The additional import duties did add a fair bit to the price - £70.52, to be precise - but for me it was worth it. I also had the SS Vector as well with both plates and which was sold on to another member on here, as it wasn't getting used that often.

I loved the look and feel of the Vector when I first got it, but as you say have found it a little rough when compared to other AC razors.