Is there anything so hateful....

hunnymonster said:
... as setting to and ripping your entire music collection from CD.... 3 down, 1584 to go (not counting the classical, spoken word or accounting for double-disc, triple-disc and other multiple-disc sets)

I did just that to mine. I then sold all my CDs at a boot sale and used the money to buy another storage device, so they are on the NAS and on the new separate one as back up. Having everything on the NAS also means where ever I can get a wifi signal I can access my music and photo collection. Oh the separate storage is held at my brothers house. I update it and take it back from time to time. It also made a big space in the cupboard.
I enjoyed it at first. Back in about 2000/2001, when I first started ripping MP3s from CDs, the software I used didn't have any CDDB capabilities so I had to enter the ID3 tags manually. Track title, Album, Artist for every track.
I have some MP3s (Police albums) encoded at 128kbps. Fine then when I had £20 Logitech speakers and a 'portable' MP3 CD player and my hard drive was 40GB but sounds pretty crap on my current equipment. The CDs are long disappeared (probably charity shop or lost in a move between Uni lodgings) so I'll have to buy them all again!
My dad still has his vinyl but as far as I know no turntable.
No chance I'm getting rid of my CDs lol - as NTS says - in future whatever they're ripped as now will be shite and need doing again... buggered if I'll buy 'em again to shift format either (luckily when I got my CD player I'd only bought about 3 albums - which I still have but I do also still have a turntable and 3 or 4 spare needles for it)
With that amount of disks, I would have sent them off to get converted.

We should post entertaining things for you to give you something to do while you're doing this.
Optical discs for back up are over-rated... just found my first case of CD rot (on a not particularly rare or integral part of my musical library bought in 1983 when there were only about 9 CDs on sale - and 8 of them had been used on Tomorrow's World)... mind you it's not the end of the word... the replacement disc is 13p
At close to £1k to get the job done plus allowing my entire library out of my sight... I think not. Even if the cash was available I have plenty more interesting things I'd be spending it on than a "professional" (what qualifications will s/he have that mark him/her out as a professional?)

1% complete
I ripped all my music collection about 5 years ago when I got my first mp3 player. It was about 500 albums at the time and took forever.

It is of course fairly low quality and is only really any use when I'm not fussy about the quality. Ideally I would do the whole lot again at a better quality. The problem now is I have about 1500 CD's and just can't seem to find the enthusiasm.