I've lost my Single Edge Virginity!

West Norfolk. UK

At the age of 62 I have at last lost my Single Edge virginity and I have to say that it was a pleasant bloodless painless and comfortable experience!

Enough of that infantile smut; this morning I shaved with the push button GEM that I purchased from Steve (Sunbury boy) off this forum loaded with a modern GEM blade kindly given to me by Andrew (AJC 347)

I was hugely surprised how easy it was to shave with and how smooth and forgiving. I started off very very carefully but soon shaved with complete ease. It gave me a BBS shave without a single nick; there was no sensation of scraping at all and most importantly (for me at least) my face afterwards, felt comfortable.

I believe that a 'perfect' shave in terms of smoothness is relatively easy to achieve with a large variety of different razors and blades, for me the tricky part is achieving this without any soreness/tenderness and I still firmly believe that I do not have sensitive skin it will just not stand any 'scraping'

AJC 347 has, with huge generosity lent me four more different SE razors to try, a GEM OCMM, two Ever Ready's (English and American) and a PAL Injector adjustable I am really looking forward to trying them all.

We all eventually learn that 'consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds'-). It good to experiment with different razors and styles and products.
Best of both worlds with an SE, a straight type shave with immaculate control with the convenience of DE.

I think you've tried the best of them with the push button but what do I know.
Glad it's worked well for you Dick. I was further on into my sixties when I first tried an SE 2 or 3 years ago and was blown away by the smoothness & comfort of these elegant products of yesteryear. So far I haven't found an SE I don't like & look forward to your updates on the next model(s) you try.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:

You know I keep seeing threads like these all the time. Many people just love these things....go figure. Never saw much in em but I finally tried a few maybe 4-5 months ago. It just didn't connect for me. Now only using em maybe half a dozen times total isn't a true test, but I found out what I wanted to about that kinda shave. Not for me.

Craziest thing reading these goofy extremely positive comments,


Oh Tony, I see that you're now a full blown convert....what a surprise. You tried denying your leaning that way for a while, but.......well here we are.
...and I thought denial was a river in Egypt. Anyway you are hardly blame free you started it by lending me that schick .
I think I lost my SE virginity when I was around 18. I was given a Schick Injector for my 18th birthday, in 1878, and it was sharp. That was when they were still advertised on TV.
antdad said:
...and I thought denial was a river in Egypt. Anyway you are hardly blame free you started it by lending me that schick .

Not by any chance a Schick Adjustable Tony ?
If so I have been bitten by Marvins Monkeys as well. I wish I had tried one of these a long time a go. I have had pneumonia and have only been shaving every 5 days or so and I am so impressed by the monkey. Easy to use and smooth shave every time.
I have a 72 injector that looks like a stick shift my dad picked up somewhere ,and the blades that came with it. He used 1, I used 1, and I think the other 8 will be passed on to my loving sons!
Popped my SE cherry too! With an Ever Ready 1912 purchased from Factormax on the forum. Got some of the coated GEM blades from Connaught (great service) and have enjoyed two days of close near-BBS shaves but my technique south of the chin still needs a little work with both SE & DE. These certainly are uniquely beautiful and effective razors.
Gogser said:
Try a Feather SE blade in the 1912 Graeme, I find it excellent!!


Ok, might do. Bit of a downer today as despite really concentrating, my shave was poor. How could it be so different today? Couldn't seem to feel how close it was or rather it felt like I was getting close but afterwards, I could still feel plenty of stubble where I just hadn't caught it. With just moisturising cream on my face, I managed to catch the leftover stubble with a shimmed DE89 and go real close. Its probably my crap technique but could the blade be dull already? The only thing that was different today is that I used Ingram's instead of MWF but I'd swear the lather was fine. Hey ho.....:icon_sad: