Mach 3 vs Fusion blades

Your angle (DE) efficiency > fixed angle (Cartridge)

One DE stroke > 1 cartridge razor stroke (1 stroke * # of blades=multiple strokes) irritation
Your angle (DE) efficiency > fixed angle (Cartridge)

One DE stroke > 1 cartridge razor stroke (1 stroke * # of blades=multiple strokes) irritation
Not true for me. I get just as good shaves from a Trac II as from a Schick Krona.

Besides, if DE is good, and cartridge is bad, where does that leave injectors? Or the Gillette Guard? (which only has a single blade)

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You might not have as sensitive skin as I have.

I think that a cartridge razor with only one blade installed will not irritate me as easily, but the fixed angle limits my shaving experience.
I agree with Nishy. If you have good technique, the difference is marginal if any.

Just this week, I'm back from India for a few weeks, my usual is a fusion ball but I've chosen to use a Mach 3 on my head. I can't tell the difference.




You can fool yourselves into thinking DE shaving is awesome, groovy and stuff and things, but let's have it right ... if they were better then blokes would still be shaving with them.

Blokes still shave with it. But because I know that you're not being literal, remember that most people shave with what Gillette commercials tell them. Congratulations if you're one of them.

It doesn't mean they're better. It means that they are more expensive and designed to fool you that it's the future, so more money for them.
Blokes still shave with it. But because I know that you're not being literal, remember that most people shave with what Gillette commercials tell them. Congratulations if you're one of them.

I'm not "one of them" but I refuse to believe it's only marketing and not product improvement as well.

People won't switch if the shave is worse for them. Given that even Trac II cartridges are still available, there's a lot more choice than just the latest Gillette offering.

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I don't remember I told you what to shave with, pal.

I just pointed out facts which you ignored for a reason.
You said Gillette told me what to shave with.

Keep up, treacle.
I think that what I said was that most people shave with what Gillette tells them to and if you are one of them, congratulations. I never said that you are one of them. But you did confirm it yourself now.

But, because we are out of the subject and we are lost in translation, I do not think we shall continue this conversation.
Whatever you say, it's your internet after all.
I don't understand what I did to deserve this kind of behaviour. When I disagree with someone else, I will try my best to refute the other party's statements as you tried to do too. It's nothing personal and I don't have anything against you. But I can understand if you are not used to debates.

I apologise if I have insulted you in any way. Good day..
Mach 3 over Fusion any day of the week and twice on Sunday. The Fusion cart is unnecessarily tall with 5 blades and unwieldy. This makes for some awkward shaving around the angles and difficult under the nose. Doesn't shave any faster, closer, or better.

A good middle ground is the Schick Quattro, which I find better than the Mach 3 or Fusion. Also, a top of the line cart is the Feather MR3 Neo.

Strange, I could never get on with the Quattro. It's the only razor that has ever given me weepers even on something as easy as WTG passes on the cheeks. I believe that the blade angle is notoriously aggressive on them which might explain it somewhat. The Schick/Wilkinson Sword Hydro is a pretty good razor and noticably smoother than the Mach 3 but the over the top lube strip was incredibly annoying.
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I do agree that the Quattro is a bit more aggressive, as is the MR3 Neo, at least as far as cartridges go. But none of these options, I find, match up to the aggression or potential danger of a safety razor, which is what I use now. For me, now, the most aggressive cart is a harmless plaything next to my Wolfman or OneBlade.

I still like carts occasionally in a rush or when I travel, and I would say that perhaps the Mach 3 is the best razor ever made for the most number of men. Nearly zero learning curve, very safe, very quick and convenient, can shave pretty close considering how safe it is, is more nimble than the Fusion, is cheaper than 4 and 5 bladed carts, and those carts last forever.

If I was to walk up to a random bloke, and he were to ask which razor to start off with knowing nothing else, unquestionably I'd recommend the Mach 3.
I have no clue what im trying to read here. a lot of screaming and kicking. and a lot of misinformation from my own personal experience.

A cartridge razor is not any safer or more dangerous then a real razor, DE or SE. its just less intimidating. A lot of people I know are to damn scared to try a real razor because they think the blades will rip them all to hell.
Just try sliding a cartridge of your choice sideways on your face, wow, you get cut. just like a real razor.

Last and last? I can barely get a cartridge razor of schick quatro or mach 3 or fusion to last more then 3 miserable lousy ass shaves. IF I can get them to last more then 1 shave.

The ONLY carts that were worth a damn are the old early 1990s puppies with 2 blades and the old style tissue paper style lube strip on top
One man's meat is another man's poison. For years I went back and forth between a Mach3 and a host of DEs and SEs, but I am now an inveterate Mach3 user. I find the Mach3 gives me a better overall shave than any modern or vintage DEs and SEs I've used. Moreover, I can usually get 10 shaves, 2/3 passes each, and often more, with one cartridge. I've been shaving for 50 years and that's my personal experience!
That's good. I remember being able to get 2 weeks of daily shaving out of one Mach 3 cartridge and 1 month out of the Fusion Proglide. The Proglide is good, but it irritates my skin due to the extremely high number of blades.