Mental Health Awareness

whats the potential side effects of it though? i mean regardless to type of high any drug gives you surely theres always some sort of side effects whether short or long term
Agree on the hot milk thing. Haha what a contrast, mega shroomzz vs a cup of Horlicks hahaha! I swear by a hot milky drink before bed. I did start to put on weight though, doing it all the time. I also lob a slosh of brandy or a dram in there (I keep a bottle of cheap spirits for that, none of the good stuff!) sometimes that's enough to take the edge off so you can sleep. My problem nowadays is that I'm so tired I fall asleep instantly but wake up 5h later with back and neck ache. But there is definitely some science behind the hot milk being good for sleep even without Horlicks or alcohol.
whats the potential side effects of it though? i mean regardless to type of high any drug gives you surely theres always some sort of side effects whether short or long term
I suppose as with any drug too much too often could potentially be harmful, who knows.....but I've found with mushrooms you don't find yourself wanting to keep taking them, it's not like any habit forming drug, it's a medicine that seems to work well for some people with depression but I have never felt ..... wow what a trip, I want some more of that!
If the side effects are that it can make a depressed person feel better then what is the harm in its use.
Let's not forget that humans have been taking these types of natural drugs for thousands of years, unlike the mass produced pharmaceutical drugs that are pushed onto us by doctors and using us as guinea pigs to see what the potential side effects are.
I'm not an expert on this subject and I would suggest you do your own research into the pro's and con's of taking such things as these.
I'm not suggesting that there are no side effects that may be potentially detrimental in the long term but living with depression is also detrimental to us in the long term.

I used to have Ovaltine which helped but got lazy

I got find milk with raw honey helps a lot

Really want to source raw milk, that would probably help even more then he processed milk we get from supermarket's
Yea totally get you

You tried other prescribed drugs like diazepam?

Those help to rest but can be very very addictive, so got to be very careful
I have been prescribed many drugs to help combat depression but I have always found that the side effects outweighed any good the drugs may have been doing.
So I no longer take any prescription medications that are supposed to help deal with depression.

My choice, I'm certainly not suggesting that anyone stop taking what they have been prescribed by their doctors to treat depression.

You must do what you feel is best for you!

Hey @Blademonkey
How's the house situation.... Did you manage to find something?
Blimey, that's a high dose. I've took large doses of them in my more dissolute years, but 50ish was my more regular amount. That seems a hard core approach to depression I was absolutely trollied when I took that sort of amount.
I do agree that psychedelics can be very worthwhile to deal with the inner workings of the mind. When I used to do such things I always swore by LSD to clear my head, the day after it always felt if someone had removed my brain put it in a washing machine then put it back. It was a good feeling, I mentioned this to my psychiatrist years later and he was horrified, he didn't advocate this approach at all.
I think the psychedelic approach can be helpful, and I'm pretty sure there's a lot of research out there suggesting that. It's definitely a case of be careful though, it can be intense
I've taken DMT, acid, different sorts of mind altering fungi and have found them all to be beneficial to my mental well-being, you can't really over do it with magic mushrooms because you will usually vomit as you are coming up so your body will naturally sort out the level of dose that your body
will take on, body weight and if you have eaten or not will also make a difference to the amount any one person will need but the study's suggest that a higher dose when taken as a medicine is better.
Yes it can be very intense but maybe it has to be for any beneficial affect, I don't know, all I know is it works for me.
Start off on a happy trippy dose and work your way up to a dose that you feel is making a difference to your depression.
Not everyone has the same level of depression so therefore I suppose different doses will work for different people.

It makes me glad for me to see the forum bdeing used to talk about issues like this, is there anything we can do to make it easier? A seperate forum section? a private area that people can request access to? Let me know if we can help out.
Hey @Blademonkey
How's the house situation.... Did you manage to find something?
Yes, I am currently sharing a house with one other person, it's not ideal because I'm very particular about cleanliness and not all people live up to my high standards but it's better than living in the woods, although I do feel like packing my bergen and heading back to the woods on some day's because it wasn't all bad out there, it could be quite enjoyable!!!
I'm still looking for my own space because I feel I'm better on my own playing by my own rules. I'm ok here for the time being, thanks for asking by the way

It makes me glad for me to see the forum bdeing used to talk about issues like this, is there anything we can do to make it easier? A seperate forum section? a private area that people can request access to? Let me know if we can help out.
It is great that people on here feel comfortable enough to open up and share their experiences with mental health issues, personally I don't think we require a private space but I will be happy to go along with anything that gets suggested off the back of your post.
Thank you.

I also lob a slosh of brandy or a dram in there (I keep a bottle of cheap spirits for that, none of the good stuff!) sometimes that's enough to take the edge off so you can sleep.
My dear old Mum had a very old skool approach to healthcare and was of the opinion that coughs, colds and other minor ailments could be helped on their way with a small tot of Milk and Drambuie before bedtime
It makes me glad for me to see the forum bdeing used to talk about issues like this, is there anything we can do to make it easier? A seperate forum section? a private area that people can request access to? Let me know if we can help out.
Maybe not a separate forum. But maybe it could be a thread that is pinned at the top or something like that.
Also, if (I know it seems daft, but hear me out) a "panic button" of sorts could be added so that if members are particularly struggling they could hit the panic button and an alert would show at the top of the forum list so other members could respond/help. Just a thought.

Well done everyone who looks out for others.
Not a bad idea. I personally don't need to have it 'private' but if it helps other guys feel more relaxed about putting stuff on here without it being totally open to the whole Internet then I'm in. There is some quite personal stuff being shared so worth considering. The flip side is whether it might lose visibility and start to wane. I tend to respond to new comments rather than seek out a place to write something. Others' milage may vary as we like to say.

One thing is, just being able to get stuff out of your head and onto 'paper' is helpful. Also, knowing how common it is (especially since the last couple of years) and having the ear of fellow members, and being able to hopefully help everyone who is finding things hard feel less isolated.

Directly after I had written my post here yesterday I saw a real cry for help from a friend's wife, on Facebook. Now that takes guts, given the trolls on there. She said she'd thought hard about it for 2h before posting, and was scared she'd be ostracised for it or trolled. Thankfully neither happened, she was supported by everyone and she PM'd me to say every nice message helped. It can make all the difference, so anything we can do to make this thread work better is good.