Mitchell's Wool Fat Soap

Just came across this at Shaving Shack:

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SS are doing some interesting things at the moment what with their new cream and link with Mantic. It's nice to see a bit of innovation.
I didn't have to much trouble with it,maybe because I watched mantic's video and knew what to expect.taking your time loading the brush is certainly the key,however there are a couple of issues:

A) Even after hydrating the tip of the brush in the lathering process and getting a creamy lather it seems to dry out like cement in the middle of the shave?

B)When neglected for a few days in my cupboard soap starts to crack like soil?
Hi James, I used and like MWF for quite a long time before finding glycerine soaps. Never had any issues with it drying out whilst shaving, however in my experience it is one of those soaps which perform best when (almost constantly) hydrated. Whilst I never saw it cracking because of dehydration I always found that if I didn't use it for a day or so it then took another few days of usage to return to its previous high level of performance.

When I take any hard soap out that I haven't used for a while I usually completely immerse it in the bowl with water for five minutes and then make a lather which I don't shave with. This helps make that first use work better but MWF is definitely one of those soaps that like regular usage, by the second/third usage I find lather happens far easier.
Towards the end of last week I finished my first puck of MWF and made a start on the new one on Saturday morning. I'd forgotten how you've got to work at it in the early days before it comes good, and how regular use certainly keeps it on top form. The night before, whilst brushing my teeth, I soaked the whole puck and then immersed it again on the Saturday morning before attacking it with my brush, it certainly helped but it still lacked the performance I've grown accustomed to from a well hydrated soap puck.

It will come good but will need a few goes before it hits its stride. This experience has however reminded me of how it must be to come to it new without knowing how it will perform once it's hydrated a bit from regular use. For anyone new to it, give it a good week or two of regular use before making your mind up.

Pig Cat said:
Lathering MWF is like making love to a beautiful woman....
I think I understand... Whilst lathering up on my new puck of MWF this morning I may have been a little over exuberant as I managed to shoot some lather off my brush and soap and onto my trousers! I'm sorry to hear you have similar misfortune... you know... as you mentioned above!

That's the usual excuse I give my wife too. :?
Ok a bit confused by all of this MWF arrived yesterday so re watched Mantic's video on said soap. This is what happened when used for the first time today.

Soaked the soap in its ceramic dish with warm not hot water, within 30 seconds water started to turn cloudy, left it while washing face.
Soaked brush in lathering dish in hot water.
Then tipped out water from soap, shook out brush & loaded the brush, upside down as per Mantic instructions.
Face lathered dipping tips of brush in water as per inst.
Beginners luck ? no idea all I know this was the best shave so far and it was the 3rd and last day of a Wilk Classic blade.
Before you ask no water softener and Thames Water's finest and that is as hard as Vinney.
I am sat an hour after this shave and my face feels as good if not better than any of my shaves so far, well impressed of Woodley. :hungrig

Good stuff. I must admit I struggled to get the lather going from MWF first time up but even so was left with a fantastic face feel after the shave. The after effects are the best of any soap or cream that I have tried so far.
I'm interested in trying the wool fat but having read all the reviews a couple of things put me off, And they both revolve around the fact that its only supposed to be any good if its used regularly. My face will only allow me to shave every other day, and on those days i like to use a different soap. I couldn't imagine having to use the same soap every shave until it was gone. Is there an answer to this for someone who enjoys soap rotation.

I find that a good soaking (i.e. for the time I am in the shower 15-25 mins does fine) the lather I get gives a good shave irrespective of whether I have left the soap for a month of just 12 hours.
Sorry one slight error think the hard should have been Joe not Vinney.