
A brushed stainless finish is, in theory, quite easy to achieve. It actually involves a lot of careful work, allied to the right machinery, to produce a uniform and consistent effect.

I must admit to being the "slackest Alice on the block" when it comes down to caring about details of finish versus design and functionality, but that's just me.

You might find someone who can satinise the shiny bits
of the handle; otherwise I guess it's a whole new handle.
Bechet45 said:
Satin handles I can think of are Weber ARC (hens' teeth) and an iKon (also out of production, though Connaught were selling them a few months ago).

In search of something else, I see that Italian Barber are selling the Stealth handle separately in plain stainless natural matte finish.

Stealth handle
What a razor! Many thanks OP for lending me yours.

I was a bit trepidacious on account of having used a Cobra - but they have tamed the beast!

I used a safe angle to start and gradually used a more aggressive tilt and all with absolutely no ill effects. Didn't get a perfect shave this first time out - but a very, very enjoyable one! It is a lovely piece of precision engineered kit.

I have to re-learn the skin stretches for such a wide blade - those troublesome areas either side of my throat.

The ponly problem I had - if it amounts to that - was the scroll on the Dr. Bomber handle. With wet fingers, I found the razor had a tendency to twist - which a wipe on a towel immediately fixed.

All in all - what a fabulous razor!!

Oh! and it insists on well lubricated skin - no going back over an area and relying on residual glide - these blades take everything off!
Bechet45 said:
All in all - what a fabulous razor!!

Tall_Paul said:
It's a cracker of a razor isn't it, Carl. I've barely used anything else apart from straights since getting it.

Carl, keep in mind Paul has an advantage over you and it's from using those straights. He has whittled away most of the high points and small 'bumps' on his face by now. He was telling me the other day his wife commented on how much rounder his chin has been since starting that.

Also, the Mongoose head can be paired with whatever handle you want Carl. Then you got many different blades and even a few different finishes. Heh, maybe it'll keep you busy for a while.

Ohhh, nice enabling job there, dissingdrunk
With a mild Kai in it, at least, this razor is a pussy cat! Went as aggressive as I could, handle way higher than I normally shave, and got a lot closer to BBS and just one tiny weeper where I tried to get clever on my moustache.

I just love it! Beginning to lose my fear of the blades because although they are tamed in this razor, I have memories of old wounds with them in shavettes. As always, confidence and a light touch is all - and a well lubricated face.

The Mongoose engineers have really done a First Class job.

Thanks, Steve.
The more I use mine, the more I like it. In a manner similar to the Standard DE razor, it somehow manages to be everything at once. Mild, yet sharp; smooth, but aggressive; heavy yet light in handling. It does all I want, but I can't precisely say what it is that makes it so all-round excellent.

I'm still using the original and first loaded Feather Pro blade, which is past my "3 days and out" threshold. I'm scrupulously pushing the tally counter daily to keep track of blade life, which I hope will reach the dizzy 20-30 reported elsewhere.

At the moment, I'm persevering with the Dub Slim handle, but the Big Bomber will be deployed any day now.

The Mongoose makes for a wholly different shaving experience, and it really is in the Rolls-Royce league.

Glad you are enjoying it Carl, maybe give the Pro-Guard a go next week......:s
I'm struggling with this one. Could be a weighting issue for me as I had similar irritation issues with the relatively heavy Ikon Slant as well. But perhaps I'm struggling with angles or the Feather Pro blade. Not sure but I hope I get to the nirvana that others have found. Localized irritation (as if I've over-buffed) takes a while to calm down so I'm only a few shaves into the mongoose.

Speaking for myself, I've found that with the Mongoose:-

1) Even with the lightest handle, near-zero pressure is needed to get it to cut well.
2) The thickest, slickest lather at all times is essential. I've used Nanny's, TFS, Mitchells, Wickham's, Erasmic and Proraso Red. The latter performs especially well.
3) Always make sure that you never go over any un- or semi-lathered skin (a good rule always, but especially relevant with the Mongoose). I've found that the width can sometimes cause me to "overlap" a little, so I take care to avoid that.
4) Clear lather from the razor frequently, to avoid any clogging. However, be sure to shake all water from the razor, as it can accumulate slightly in the head and thus thin or affect that superb lather cushion you've already applied.
5) The angle is a bit of a challenge, and all I can really say is that you should, after a little while, find that which suits you best. I change the angle slightly for different areas and passes, but it seems instinctive. As there's no audible feedback, it's all down to "feel" and result.
6) I find the Pro blade just fine, and it's the only one I've used so far. It might pay to try a milder blade such as the Kai Captain Titan Mild, or perhaps the Feather Pro Guard. I don't know of anyone in the UK who does a sample pack of suitable blades, but it might be worth looking at in the USA who do a "Mongoose Sampler" at $8.69 plus $4 postage (haven't tried them myself, though I toyed with the idea).

I hope that, with a bit of time and practice, and perhaps a change of blade, you'll come to like your Mongoose as much as I do mine.
To add to what Ferrum has said, the 1st thing I did was ditch the handle as I found the whole razor way too heavy for my taste. I use a custom Templ8 handle that is both shorter and much lighter. The Feather-Pro blades take a few shaves to smooth out and can be a bit "keen" the 1st few shaves. The angle you will just have to work on, but a very light touch is needed when shaving. I got 2 sets of blades from and have think it is a good way of finding out which blades suit you, also delivery is cost is the same for 2 sampler sets.
After about 4 or so shaves things started to come together and 16 or so shaves before I loaned it to Carl I was getting BBS with 2 passes and a quick buff of the bit I missed. Maybe try different blades in it Carl seemed to get on well with Kai Mild's ?

Sounds like it could be two things - but both have the same remedy!

Feather blades need a light touch - less forging than DE blades. With a heavy razor you have to do a little more work and bear the weight of it. Bearing the weight will give you a lighter touch - blade is happy, skin is happy, you build muscle so she is happy, simples!
44whitehall - You should definatey try the proguard blade. I struggle with aggressive razors but find the 'goose fantastic with this blade. BBS, no irritation, no cuts.

I haven't tried any other blade yet so can't give any comparisons but this combo is great for me.
One of Batch One on E Bay USA- Buy it now £230 !!

Is someone trying to capitalise on its scarcity value. One wonders if the company will
continue production after the initial demand .

Also quite a few seem to think this is "The One ", so maybe there will be a glut of Vintage Razors on BST { wishful thinking}.