My Latest Acquisitions..

Xmas Greetings!
These three razors are my latest acquisitions. I get most of my info from the shaving blogs as to which razors I decide to investigate and purchase. So this forum is extremely helpful and a great tool for discovering new and interesting razors.
The latest three are the Blackland Dart re-issue, the Chiseled Face Brass Legacy razor and the Aylsworth Kopperkant Brass razor. I've found for myself, I prefer razors in SS, brass and bronze because of the weight. For me...aluminum and titanium are just too light.

I was intrigued by the re-issue of the Dart because of the poor sales performance which led to the discontinuation. Then a lot of people began asking Shane about the Dart and why it was ended. So they re-issued it in a limited run of around 150...mine is #146.
Good looking razor in the polished version. I paired it with a new Feather. Nice balance, weight (99 gm) and easy to manoeuvre. Not a lot of blade feel and the shave angle was very easy to find. No issues with the handle as far as slippery is concerned...IMO. Blade clamping is very good with covered tabs. I did not experience any great amount of aggressiveness and had a very comfortable and efficient shave. The WTG pass was pretty good and the ATG pass was all I needed (plus some buffing) to get a very smooth and enjoyable shave.
I used the Blade for 5 shaves and didn't notice any large drop-off of efficiency except for a bit more buffing towards the last shave. My favourite blades are Feathers, PolSilvers, Wizamets and have been trying 7o'clock (ninjas), Gillette Platinums and Nacets. I like sharp blades in this razor. I also use an alum bar after shaving and no stinging after shaving. I actually don't mind a bit of stinging but that's just me.

The next razor to arrive was the Brass Legacy razor from the Chiseled Face folks. It comes with a presentation case which has been milled out of a single block of aluminum. Definitely interesting...not sure if all that necessary but it is eye-catching. My favourite case is the one that comes with the Lambda Athena. I used a 7o'clock black version blade and again used it for 5 shaves. The razor is beautifully made in polished brass and weighs in at 108 gm and has a serial number of 0179. Good blade clamping and covered tabs. It has the largest gap of the three but is still very intuitive and easy to find a good shaving angle and has nice balance. Handle is fine for me and is very attractive. First pass WTG was good, 2nd ATG was better, finished off with some buffing for a nice long lasting shave. Again the performance didn't drop off noticeably except for more buffing as the shaves progressed with the same blade.

The last to arrive was the Aylsworth Kopperkant in fine bead blast finished brass. I have the Drakkant+ razor as well which was the main reason I went with the Kopperkant. It weighs 95 gm and is well balanced. The main difference between the two is the handle design and gap... .73 for the Kopperkant and .99 for the Drakkant.
For this razor I went with a Feather blade as well. Handle is fine and a nice design, reminiscent of the Drakkant handle but without as much knurling. Again, very good blade clamping with covered tabs.
Now, this is where this razor was different from the other two. Firstly, there was more noise from the razor as I shaved... the blade perhaps? Also, it didn't shave as well (WTG) first pass as the other two. The ATG pass was ok but I found I needed more buffing etc to get a smooth shave. I was surprised at this because the Drakkant was very good immediately. The balance, weight etc was fine...the angle easy to get to as well. It just puzzled me as to why it wasn't more efficient.
The next shave surprised was better. Not sure if it was my technique or the blade was now more "tuned" to this razor. I think it's the blade, personally. Better passes and less buffing. What would the next shaves bring? Well, they kept getting better. The last shave was as good as the 4th which was as good as the 3rd etc. I think this razor would work very well with blades that aren't quite as sharp as Feathers, Nacets etc.
I may polish the cap just to make it a bit smoother...but it's a very good shaver as well

So all three are excellent razors with their own small characteristics. Reaching for any of them rewards you with a long-lasting, smooth, irritation free shave without (for me) weepers, cuts nicks and drama.
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