
I find it hard to spread the word to other people about the benefits and the pleasure gained from DE shaving without feeling like a geek.....

I bought my dad (who had expressed and interest in it, when I showed him my Merkur HD etc) a full rig for xmas. Brush, razor creams etc... He has yet to use any of it... :roll:

Whenever the subject arises with anyone I know, its just spoken as if shaving is a chore, like cutting the grass in the summer.

Has anyone else experienced this, maybe it's why us like minded Fellows feel the need to hide in forums such as this???
Hehe :D

I know that Fido. I dont preach, just if it comes up in conversation, the end product is always, "well I've never had any problem with my mach 3" etc etc
Know how you feel. I used to be (still am to some extent) into watches, mainly mechanical. And frequent a few watch forums. Its the same there for most people a watch is a functional device that tells the time and that's it.
At least shaving stuff is a lot cheaper! Mind you seems people around here can't buy one of something and they have the hoard it just in case mentality.
Yep - as if cycling wasn't weird enough for people, I had to go and discover the joys of DE shaving last December. Lycra & antique razors - everyone thinks I'm a complete freak :lol:

Just enjoy your own hobbies & ignore what everyone else says!
LOL, I can bore people for hours with my hobbies.

However I can't reconcile shaving as a hobby, an interest and a pleasure but I don't want a beard. Its a necessity the method is the choice part of it :)
I bought my 18 yr old son his first DE razor, EJ 89 of course, last Christmas. Got an email from him last week - 'Hey Dad, just got a Shavette, where can I get a shave ready straight ?' Do not give up hope, there is hope for our art/hobby/obsession yet. :)
I quite enjoy cutting the grass in the summer. Getting the mower out. Doing all the checks, topping up on whats needed. Getting it running nice and smooth.
Very relaxing. Wish i had a sit on one though.

I told somone about my shaving, they gave me a weird look. I dont really tell anyone about it now.
I gave up evangelising about DE shaving a few years ago. It is a man subject that many men simply do not want to discuss. If someone asks me I will explain but not tell them it is wonderful, just lay the facts out and let them decide if they want to take the next step. If they do I usually give them a complete starter kit, a loan of Sharp Practice to read and all the help and pointers to a forum they could ever need. But the first step needs to come from them.

You are a man so shaving should be natural to you and if you need to talk to other men about it….well that’s just wrong and not manly.

That is the general gist of the mindset the masses of cartridge users have and you are not going to change that with any amount of force, just perhaps a few billion in advertising spend and slick endorsements from world known faces. If Gillette suddenly switched and did the same marketing with DE as they do now for cartridges then the “extra work” would be suddenly become worth it and the “Mark of a real man”.

The one thing that does surprise me is how many think DE supplies are hard to come by. Even when I shaved with a Sensor in looking for cheap cartridges I came across DE razors and blades.
Audiolab said:
The one thing that does surprise me is how many think DE supplies are hard to come by. Even when I shaved with a Sensor in looking for cheap cartridges I came across DE razors and blades.

Exactly. Everything you need is there in front of you at the supermarket/chemist. You can buy plenty of things: a plastic Wilkinson DE razor, Wilkinson shaving soap, Palmolive cream and stick and a cheap synthetic brush etc. Maybe the better quality blades are the only thing hard to find.

I wonder how many people see these products, maybe pick them up and have a look, but then opt for cartridges and a can.

I'm not someone who preaches about traditional wet shaving. It's a nice feeling knowing that a bit of research, time and effort has led to great experiences.

You always hear about how most men find shaving a chore and is something that must be done and in the quickest time possible. Well I'm sorry but if an individual does not have the desire to search for a better option then it's their problem to put up with.
antdad said:
I have to stop hanging around the shave aisle at Boots. :shock:

I feel you there friend.

Audiolab said:
I gave up evangelising about DE shaving a few years ago. It is a man subject that many men simply do not want to discuss. If someone asks me I will explain but not tell them it is wonderful, just lay the facts out and let them decide if they want to take the next step..

That's the best way. No point in preaching, you will only push people away. If I am asked, I will say that I shave with an old fashioned safety razor and leave it at that.
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