New R41

Haywards Heath
A bit expensive considering the current competitors, isn't it?

Sadly, that site blocks us poor sods in Australia/New Zealand.
Don't they want us folks 'Down-Under' to be clean shaven?
Have to just buy another Timeless or ATT then...problem sorted.
If you really want one and ok paying for the postage from me to you I would gladly buy one on your behalf and post it on to you, not Ideal because of the extra postage etc but the offer is there.

Many thanks @Blademonkey very kind of you.
There's about 4 of us on Paste & Cut giving this razor the 'hairy eyeball' at present.
I won't worry at the moment though ('cos I just bought an RFB that the Missus doesn't know about, and I'm trying to sneak that one in first).
I will PM you though if I decide to do this as the R41 has been crying out to be stainless for years.
Much appreciate your thoughtfulness. You would make a great Kiwi!
Ha, cheers mate!

In celebration of the tenth anniversary of the Muhle R41 ......the R41GS, a razor I've been waiting to come into being for a long time!
Because of this momentous occasion I have done some nocturnal shopping (all my best shopping is nocturnal) and I will soon have what I've been waiting for, a stainless steel R41!!! Come to daddy!

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A stainless steel R41! What's not to like, ok it's not the cheapest stainless razor out there but it's certainly not up there with the most expensive ones.
I would like to see a few reviews, a head to head with the 2013 R41 though.

Would love to see your complete review on the R41 SS vs the Chrome Zamak R41 v2013.

Coughing out loud........ Its nearly $200AUD
Having both the 2011 and 2013 I am afraid that the SS version is not really of much interest to me. The R41 is something I use occasionally and it usually reminds me to be thankful I have everything else!
Am I to take it you are thankful you have everything else because you don't like your two R41's ?
It wasn't clear to me why you use them only occasionally.
Edit: The 2013 at any rate, after owning the 2011 I can understand only occasionally using that one!
Am I to take it you are thankful you have everything else because you don't like your two R41's ?
It wasn't clear to me why you use them only occasionally.

I use them occasionally because I have them. I like to try 'to keep my hand in'. I wouldn't use them regularly as I don'y feel really comfortable with them. I suppose the 2011 version left a lasting impression. The only other razor I have which causes the same fear/respect is the Ikon Tech!