No rest for the virtuous

"Hello, I'm interested in the razor as it looks identical to one my late grandfather had; I am going away on holiday tomorrow and wondered if you had a buy-it-price price; my wife says that as you are a charity I can spend up to £30. Would that be acceptable? Many thanks The Rev. Oliver Harrison"


A: sorry sir ,we will let the auction run

That's laying it on thick Rev and don't you have a #15?

pmsl :lol: :lol: :lol:

Fantastic, i have a couple i try now and again, with mixed results....

1) Dad's Birthday, would like to get him a Razor like he used to use years ago !
2) Grandfathers Broken his, need to replace !

Come on, some of you boys do it...............ADMIT IT :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

:lol: Couldn't resist Rev.

When I did my usual trawl through the bay I spotted this razor auction with a fuzzy picture of an aristo so I checked the questions for any clues for an accurate ID. Lots of international interest and our Rev at the top of the queue trying to pull a fast one. :lol:
10/10 for effort, 1/10 for integrity.
Only problem with that line is when they refuse and it stays low. Now you are supposed to be away on holiday, or you had said you couldn't bid at the end time and now you want to, no one will refuse the bod but it can be a little bit embarasing. It is worth a try but it is not often I do now, if/when I do I no longer put my name on it.
No I really am going away tomorrow.

And my late grandfather really did have a TTO.

Maybe not *that* one but a Gillette nonetheless.

Anyway, I'd only have PIF'd it to you guys. Honest.
I wasn't try to scam a charity, I was offering them a set amount of money upfront as opposed to taking a chance on the open market.

Anyway, let's change the subject.

Look - there's some new posts! Some very interesting threads going on at the moment.
Next time the good Rev tries to Login here he will get one of these:

You have been banned for the following reason: conduct unbecoming a man of the cloth
Date the ban will be lifted: when you have PIF'd some of those Aristocrats !

then he will think twice about trying to get a cheeky "Buy It Now" on the bay.......................the swine !!!!

Right, to show how sorry I am I'm taking myself off on a self-imposed exile for a week.

A penitential season of regret and remorse. I will reflect on my wrongdoing and resolve to be better in the future.

If you want to visit me in my "prison" I'll be here:

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(Rev-O is led off in chains by a 19 year old Polish chambermaid.)