Ogallala Shave Soap

Morning gents,

I was just wondering if anyone has tried these shave soaps?

From what I understand they have been improved from the first lot of soaps and now have added shea butter.

I'd be interested to hear your thoughts. Is it good as Mama Bears??

Thanks :shave
I tried one, about six months ago, and didn't rate it at all. It couldn't hold the lather. However, as you say, it could have improved since then, I haven't tried it since.
I bought some in B&H's last sale, with burnt orange I think. I've not used it a great deal yet as it's subsequently been outsoaped by Sante and MDC, but I will return to it.

I don't ever remember any problems holding lather, if I had any criticism it would have been that the lather had a tendency to dry a bit quickly, that said I didn't really use it enough to get the soap:water ratio right. Its worth trying some in my opinion. I've got a couple of MB's which have also been neglected of late, but its on a parr with them.
Cheers for the comments lads but it doesn't look like I'll be trying this anytime soon after B&H's news

Apparently not. "traditionalshaving" has suggested in the thread about B&H that, for anyone to sell it here, it would have to be tested and passed by some kind of agency.