Old school aftershaves

It's funny,but before I started DE shaving I only preferred the old type of aftershaves, most of my friends laughed when I said I was wearing Demin, old spice, Brut, Hai Karate, Tabac and they were impressed when I found Pinuad Clubman original. It's Hai Karate and Clubman that I like the best.
I only have the new(modern) Hai Karate, if you had both the new and old, can you please tell the difference?
as for the new Hai Karate, it is a very powdery scent for me. I am sure the original was better.

Hi Sezer, for me the best way I can try to describe it is that the original Hai Karate had a somehow cleaner, soapier scent than the present baby powder scent. It didn't have what I can only describe as a "dry" quality in the new version.

JohnnyO. o/
Thank you very much.