Old spice aroma

Excellent, my first enablement of 2021.


Dash you Paul, for reminding me of the glory which was SouthseaSpray. How I miss that fragrance.

I had a tub of that back in the day & traded it went it went icky. Smelled great.

FWIW and for those who didn't know, Old Spice was originally a toilet water for women.
I have say upon entering the loo after the wife has been in a while, not once have I sniffed the air and thought nice Old Spice aroma in the air
Myself on the other hand always leave it smelling great, well to my nose anyway.
Darron did do a (limited run?) South Sea Spray in 1912. I have a tub! Lovely stuff, like fresh cotton sheets billowing in the wind. Just like vintage Rolls Razor soap.
Gosh, thankies ever so Paul, cheering me up no end knowing you've got a tub ! What's that old saying, “No loss what a m8 gets”.

JohnnyO. o/.
Sheridan's, too ... probably more so than Spice Trade. That's the darkest in the pictures above.
To me, the problem with Super Smooth was the abundance of stearic acid. Spice Trade or Sheridan's as a hard soap would have been a winner. I still have a bit of the hard soap samples I received, which I mashed together as they smelt so similar. The smell, still, is superb ...

I feintly remember it being labelled (stamped) 1902. I should see what samples of that I've got up in the loft.
I like this thread because I was looking for an Old Spice alternative last year and I'm still interested, so I found the suggestions here really helpful and I'll definitely be looking into some purchases...my first shaving stuff of the year...and I was doing so well on my planned 'Dry 2021' .

In my search a few months ago I did track down some of the made-in-India so called 'Original' scent Old Spice cream in a tube and it wasn't at all bad. It did remind me of the 'proper' Shulton shaving cream my dad used to use when I was a kid, so three little tubes for a few quid was worth it.
Here's a pic that I took at the time:

Note: all the other stuff around the tube is just vintage stuff that's not available any more...but the pre-electric, talc and splash all have original Shulton contents and I just like to smell them now and then. Great as a way of comparing the proper stuff with alternatives.