Paragon Safety Razor

Hi all

I've just taken receipt of a Paragon safety razor that I picked up on ebay. I bought it simply because I liked the look of the head. Apologies for my terrible pictures, but I'm an awful photographer and it's just a phone camera so bad combination...

As you can (hopefully!) see, it's an open comb razor and the head has quite a tight curve on it. Not sure how it will shave, but will give it a go in a bit (when my current bout of extreme shaving rash quietens down!.)

It's in good condition, but I have a feeling it must have been a cheapie as the fit and finish could be better (there's a slight raised area on the head where the screw fits to the top and the moulding isn't immaculate.) I doubt any of that will make a difference to the shave though.

Have any of you come across the razor before? In particular, does anyone have any experience of shaving with it?

I don't think I can go too far wrong as it only cost £11, but I'd appreciate any thoughts you have!
Haven't used one but was watching it on ebay. Didn't bid in the end as bought something else, so I haven't cost you any more! There were loads of companies producing razors in the early part of the last century; that looks similar to a Gillette Old in style and if it shaves like one could be quite aggressive

Thanks for not inflating my buy price!! I have a feeling it might be aggressive so I'm definitely going to wait for my skin to be in top shape before giving it a whirl. The heft of it is nice though so I will definitely give it a go.

If knowledge of it is limited, I will make it my first razor review for the site.
I had a Paragon a while back and it gave quite a nice shave. I found it on the slightly aggressive side but not a face peeler. I seems to get god results with a Crystal or Red IP blade.

The handle was a little thin for me (I tend to like a little chunkier handle) but it felt well made and I would recommend them if you see one going at the right price.
I've just had my first shave with it tonight. Have to say that first impressions aren't completely positive - but that could well be because the head is so different to the ones I'm used to - not only is it open comb, but the comb edges are quite scratchy. I couldn't tell if I was catching myself on the edges of the comb or the blade (as it happened, I had no nicks so the answer was pretty self evident!)

I'll try it a few more times before forming an opinion though...
Can't say I remember it being catchy but I do know what you mean. That feeling can make you jump as the thought of a blade digging in runs through your head.

As you say give it a couple of goes and see how it fairs. In the end I got rid of mine so it wasn't a keeper for me.
I have the same razor it was my dads whos passed away now and I know what you mean about it been slightly aggressive. The finish isnt the greatest however when I tried to find anything out about it came up with a blank. Sorry couldn't be of any more help.
Hi I've got a razor like this, the razors came badged by one 3 manufactures, the Paragon you have, Souplex or in my case Big Ben, as you say the finish isn't the best, yet that does not, as you say too, affect the shave, nice clean 3 pass BBs, I find the razor quite light as it has an hollow handle and I feel it is too short as a regular razor, I use it with another German razor I have which is open comb too as a trave razor, but all in all the shave is excellent.