Recommendations in Belfast

Hello gents,

I'll be travelling for a couple of days to Belfast and, as apparently Macron's tax-free year-end bonus will finally get through, I'll have a couple of silver coins to spend. [emoji4]
Are there any shaving shops in Belfast that worth a visit?

Thank you!

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That is probably about it although I could add L'Occitane and the Body Shop. I worked and lived in Belfast for many years. Most of my nicer shaving purchases were made in TKMax as there wasn't much available. Most Pharmacies will have the staples.....Palmolive. Erasmic,and Ingrams.....but they will be awfully posh if you find a badger brush!
I did move around 10 years ago so things may have changed.
The last (and only) time I was in Belfast, I came across a shop those sold DE razors, blades, Muhle and the Bluebeards Revenge. That was 2 yeas ago, a trip to tje Tiitanic Museum

Sorry, no idea what it was called, it was in the City Centre, not far from the harbour.
The pickings are rather slim. However there is a small shop in Pottinger's Entry (links High Street with Ann Street) called The Watchmaker. He sells/repairs watches, but also sells Muhle razors/brushes/stands. He only takes cash, but there are ATMs close by. He got me started down this rabbit hole with my first DE razor - Muhle R89
Me too. Born and raised in Belfast. Have to have a look this week. You can buy a few shaving and beard products from a vendor in St George's Market. He usually there on Saturday.
I have got 3 soaps from local artisan soap makers and they have all been a big disappointment so far, good soaps but but not good for creating lather at all, just thin soapy bubble and vanishes very quickly when applied to your face.
Been there twice and its always been sold out, the new barbers in Bangor Main street have their own but I have that many im trying my best not to buy any, the best I have bought over here is from 2 Goats Soap tea tree nice and slick and leaves the skin feeling nice afterward but lather wise its not great.
Where did you buy that? St George's or a retailer?