Rescuing British English

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I think I have the point...
Took longer than anticipated
If you ever feel the need to 'rescue' traditional 'British English' you need look no further for help than from your cousins across the pond.
We never asked for it, but it seems like we're getting it, whether we want it or not.
Your generosity knows no bounds
Totally agree. In Spain a tortilla is an object of my affection. However, in California where my daughter lives, it is typically used to hold together a taco.

Actually I'm way over my head in this discussion. I am a produce of the infamous Philadelphia Public School System, where a sentence containing a noun, article and verb was considered a remarkable achievement. There's a statue of Rocky Balboa of the stairs of the art museum to give you an idea of my educational and cultural background.

In the States, they would sometimes preview the new TV lineup for the coming Fall Season, indicating the new series that we could expect kicking off in the fall.

The series Episodes, one of my personal favorites, sadly end, leaving a gaping hole for the coming season.
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You're just as qualified as a product of the British state education system.
Are they the steps Mr. Stallone ran up and down in the film?
I never realised that was the origin of the term "season" regarding TV programmes.
Episodes was indeed a very good programme, how many series did it consist of?
You are a funny man.
I see "funny" also means strange in America as well as Britain

Well I guess I won't even get into ketchup...
Yes, the very same steps.

There were five seasons of the TV series Episodes comprising 41 wonderful episodes.

Funny as in ha-ha funny, like Monty Python funny. Not "The young lady sitting next to me on the bus gave me a funny look when I casually leaned over and said "I think I could spend the rest of my life in your arms".

And, I can only thank the doctors and nurses at the Royal Oldham Hospital who saved my life and would guess some of them were produces of the British state education system. Could't asked for any better.
When waiting at a bar counter to be served I usually hear someone say to the barmaid or whatever "can I get....". I could explode, it should be "can I have......" (pint of bitter, bag of crisps etc...) Drives me mad.
To which the bar maid unless it's a bloke then there is no English term for that only an Americanism Bar Tender should say ' No I'll get it, what would you like me to get you'?
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