Saturday 6th November to Friday 12th of November of 2021.

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Sunday 7th November

Soap • Ach Brito Mogno
Brush • Yaqi Chianti 24mm Synthetic
Razor • Pearl Flexi
Blade • PolSilver Wizamet Stainless (4)
Post • None

I'm a little disappointed in these Wizamet blades. I get three fantastic shaves from a blade, then the fourth is not very comfortable at all. For the price I would expect better of them, but they really don't do it for me. The remaining 40 odd I have of them are destined to reside in the drawer of shame for the foreseeable
Thank you, Regards Brian
Monday 8th November

Ganders Goat Soap w/Hop, Sage & Birch
Derby Shaving Stick (Grated)
Omega Professional w/Blonde Boar 28mm
MARS Razor w/Number 5 Plate
Lord Classic (1) SE
Gillette Series Wild Rain Aftershave

Maiden voyage with the MARS razor and for the first go, my strategy was to go straight to the middle with the 5 plate and see from there if I wanted to go up or down the selection of 10 plates. After my first shave, I'm not unclear which way I do want to go but my strategy from here will be to shave again tomorrow on the 5 plate but with another blade (picked the Treet Platinum) and then go down to a 4 for a second shave on the Lord and up to a 6 for a second shave with the Treet.

... and see how I go from there.

As a razor, it's certainly well made! It has some weight, good grip and the angle is absolutely intuitive. The blade is quite vocal, but maybe that's the choice of plate and it quietens down with lower plates. It does feel like using a cartridge razor, but one where you're not chucking unnecessary plastic out once the blade is finished. Yes, there's some irony there that the razor is plastic but its construction in no way feels flimsy or that it might break. Consider the Gillette Guard, for example, which has a hollow handle, is super-light, can flex in use and if you really push hard enough you can get the cartridge to pop out < that's the Gillette Guard. The MARS is solid.

Shave enjoyed, and certainly looking forward to trying a different blade in it and exploring the feel of various plates. Off the 5 plate, I got a sound single pass shave that I'd grade as what we call DFS.

It's worth keeping an eye on developments at MARS as he's got an injector and an AC head in the works, different colours, maybe a rack for the plates, maybe a blade snapper with a catch for storing the other half until it's used, all sorts ...

It's a faff with any blade. But worth all the faffing which goes with it

My pleasure and I never knew I was your hero and neither have I met you
Tue 9 SOTD
Soap CBL Roasted Oatmeal Stout
Brush Spiffo 28mm Manchurian
Razor Pearl Flexi Adjustable (4.5, 3.5 & 2.5)
Blade SuperShaver X 3rd Use
Aftershaves Stirling Margaritas in the Arctic Witchhazel & Splash
A very nice soap with a delicious scent and a good lather quality...
Long ignored razor... realized how good it was again today. The heft of the razor itself is the primary factor for me...really wow! Easy, smooth & enjoyable 3passes for a bbs finish. The aftershaves were terrific for a hot humid day...

SOTD : 9th November 2021.

Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: Warm shower:/Asda Tingly Minty & Tea Tree Shower Gel.

Cold wet flannel to my face.
Pears Transparent Bar Soap.
Brush: Yaqi 24mm Naples Tuxedo Synthetic.
Bowl Lather.
Bowl: Home Bargains Stainless Steel Side Bowl.
Lather: Palmolive Classic Shave Cream.
Blade: Indian Gillette 7'oClock SP. ( D3)
Razor: Parker 98r.

Cold water face wash with brush squeezings, Cold Water Face Rinse. /Homemade (~Autumn/Winter mix~) peppermint lavender, eucalyptus, + Tea Tree essential Oils Mixed Together With 200ml of Care+Witch Hazel./ Brut Attraction Totale ASL./ Nivea Men Replenishing PSB.


Early morning shave.

The Palmolive classic shave cream is such a wonderful performer which creates a rich protective lather with only a small amount giving a great lasting classic fragrance throughout the shave, leaving a good post shave feel.

A Enjoyable 2 pass + pick ups close comfortable shave with no errors to report...Finishing the shave off with a small dollop of Nivea Men Replenishing PSB.

My face is feeling super smooth & smelling divine.

Stay safe, and enjoy your day ladies & gentlemen.

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