Save BBC Radio 6Music

Gentlemen, please help save Save BBC Radio 6Music

There's a Facebook group here: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m -->

But the most important things you can do are here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m -->

And here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... nsult_view</a><!-- m -->

The last one is the one that will make most difference.


Glad its going...

Reggae Punk Pimp, Don Letts
Crack rapist, Craig Charles
Tedious Kirshaw
Adam and Joe...what are they?
Bruce Dickinson...back to Midlands FM.
Richard Bacon...WTF?

Bye Bye to the talentless...good riddance.
I'm with Ollie on this one. I mainly listen in the morning to 6 Music and really enjoy the presenters and the music played. I cannot see why a station with such a relatively low budget needs scrapping. As if cutting their paltry budget will improve the tripe that is generally on TV these days. Perhaps they want to remake Porridge, The Good Life or Open All Hours after the endless repeats have finally been seen by everyone in the country now...?
I've never listened to 6 Music, and hardly ever listen to radio at all, so I won't be shedding any tears any time soon.

Smell The Glove said:
They could save a fortune by dropping that celebrity come dancing pish.

Or anything with the word "celebrity" in it.

Second that and you can add 'reality' for me as well. Cant imagine why anyone would want to watch stuff like that.:?
i ment Kelvin my dear chap

you on the other hand are a prince among thieves

i have listened to 6 music on the odd occasion and anytime i tuned in it was pretty good :?

You can count me as privileged, as I haven't the faintest idea who this McKenzie bloke is. Quite frankly, I am happy for it to remain so.

Right I've filled up my collector card with "Save 6 Music" can I swap it for something useful like actual DAB reception as opposed to the prediction that I'll get good reception (from two separate transmitters) but the reality that I get continuous ear-splitting crackling and popping the occasion half-second of output. It was never like this when Radio 1 was on the medium wave...
At present all of you who pay the licence fee are financing Radio 4 for me, and please don't think I'm ungrateful. As regards music radio, the BBC has a track record of scrapping the good bits (anyone else remember "Mixing It" on Radio 3? - it's a wonder they've kept "Late Junction"), so it's no surprise that 6 Music is first up against the wall.

It seems to me that the BBC has become so wedded to the idea that it has to compete with the commercial sector that if your tastes run to anything more exotic than teenybopper product on Radio 1, the Eagles and similar audio sedatives on 2, or canonical classical music on 3, in five years time, you'll be stuffed.
There is also the alternative Facebook page

Sack Chris Moyles and save 6Music

That page claims that His wage is enough to save all the jobs in 6Music