SE first time

I have recently bought a UK made 1912 razor from another forum member and am excited to try it. It has taken a while for me to branch out from DE but the time is here, and just as soon as the blades arrive from Connaught I'll get started. I fear that I might like it and will be posting BST 'wanteds' for variations on the theme, as well as exploring the injector world.

Here we go...
Trust me, this is one area of life experience where losing your virginity should be not only memorable but entirely enjoyable !
I'll be getting my coat now ...

JohnnyO. \:blush:
JohnnyO said:
Trust me, this is one area of life experience where losing your virginity should be not only memorable but entirely enjoyable !
I'll be getting my coat now ...

JohnnyO. \:blush:

Ha! Alarm set for an early start tomorrow...
So it was good. Strangely lightweight in the hand but rather nice. It seemed forgiving whatever the angle, and the sound was fun. I rather enjoyed it. SWMBO has mixed emotions - happy that the blades will be used but concerned that I may seek to occupy more space in the bathroom for other SE razors.
Ha! Awesome

Yes, the 1912 is a very forgiving razor ... angle and pressure.

I'll let you into a secret here ...

There's nothing better than a 1912. Yes, you'll read (also from the likes of me) about the Streamline, the Micromatic Open Comb, even the later, lighter variants and certainly about the earlier Damaskeenes ... but ... there is nothing better than a 1912.

Since you have one, love it. Don't feel the need to play the field, but if you're a bounder, there's a lot of fun to be had out there in the history of GEM and Ever Ready ... and when you fancy something a little more exotic, look to AutoStrop (Valet). You'll have a lot of fun.

Welcome to the wonderful and addictive world of single edge.

Good man. Thank you for the welcome; it's good to be a part of the club. I suspect I'll add to the collection, not least if some of the prettier/ornate Kampfe/Star razors hit BST.
First time for me tonight with the 1912 (GB). I respected her , she respected me, so it went very well. Still got my 1912 (USA) to try,so that will be Friday or Saturdays shave to give it something to scrape like a slice of burnt toast . Thanks for the historic enabling people, its been like a return to my childhood , when my grandad had Rolls Razors and SE's in the house, but only ever used a TTO Gillette, as did my Dad. Loving the shaving , loving the history.
Got to agree with you Wasper, I've always had a kind of tingle up the spine when I've used any 50yr plus razor, especially for the 1st time. Difficult to express, but a definite sense of continuity & history. Not to mention how well so many of these veterans perform. (Bit like Bechet & I really...)

johnnyO. \:icon_razz: