Shaving Bowl Round Two

1. Whosthedaddy (Honey)
2. Cheesepiece (can I have 23/30 scratched in please? Original colour, cutaway letters like the 1st run please)
3. Nico1970 - Honey
4. Kevy - Honey
5. Bechet - Honey
6. MPH - Cream
7. PhilD — Cream
8. RSSO Cream
9. theymademedoit (Honey)
10 Neslo (Honey)
11 Scuba Steve (Cream)
12. Nishy (Honey)
13. Rowlers - Cream
14. P.B. (Cream)
15. Stuart (Honey)
16. Shipwrecked (Honey)
17. Gairdner (Me wants blue & white.....!)
18. Nick_S (Cream)
19. PhoenixandBeau [Honey]
20. Miles853 (Honey)
21. flobberdob
22.The GeordieShaver x 2 (1 x Honey and 1 x Cream )
23. Reevers (Cream)
24. Rufus Firefly (Cream)
25. Globalm (Honey)
26. Aurelien (Cream)
27. Flip-68 - Cream
28. Ollie9091 -Honey please
29. Northam Saint (Honey)
30. Uncle Bertie (Honey)
Great looking good. Except for Gardiner, sorry no blue.

Ready by Christmas ? Possibly.

Here's the final costing.

Bowl. £8.50

Postage 2nd class recorded. £3.90

Boxes 30 for. £26.97. Each. £0.93

Bubble wrap. Approx £5.00. £0.17

Sub Total. £13.50

Plus PayPal fees £0.46

Grand total £13.96

So if everyone's happy I will tomorrow ( busy the rest of today ) send out PM's for payment. I'll then go in next week and place the order. As with last time as soon as they are ready I will collect and post, may be even same day.

I've cut everything to the bare minimum on cost. Boxes are double walled and they will be wrapped in a good layer of bubble wrap. I will also post pictures of receipts so everyone knows I'm on the level.
1. Whosthedaddy Honey
2. Reevers Cream
3. Nico1970 - Honey
4. Kevy - Honey
5. Uncle Bertie Honey
6. MPH - Cream
7. PhilD — Cream
8. RSSO Cream
9. theymademedoit Honey
10 Neslo Honey
11 Scuba Steve Cream
12. Nishy Honey
13. Rowlers - Cream
14. P.B. Cream
15. Stuart Honey
16. Shipwrecked Honey
17. flobberdob
18. Nick_S Cream
19. PhoenixandBeau Honey
20. Miles853 Honey
21. The GeordieShaver Cream
22.The GeordieShaver Honey
23. Cheesepiece Cream
24. Rufus Firefly Cream
25. Globalm Honey
26. Aurelien Cream
27. Flip-68 - Cream
28. Ollie9091 -Honey
29. Northam Saint Honey
30. Bechet - Honey

Just waiting now on flobberdob for his colour selection.

There are 30 so Bechet will get his 30/30, I have looked back and where possible given anyone their requested numbers. I'll make sure the requested numbers get the requested colour too, otherwise you will get the requested colour but it may not represent the number on the list, that could be one step too much for the potter, but I will see.